Monster Activity

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This one is pretty short😐. Also i made the reader put on another outfit because it's the next day, so, gross if they don't change. Also they need to be comfortable to dance.

Y/n's POV:

I was eating my cereal as my parents and Addison looked at me.

"New look?" They ask.

"I like it. My new friends like it," I say to them defensively.

"Did you join a rock band?" dad asks.

I roll my eyes as I leave for school early. I can't wait to see the wolves.

Everyone keeps staring and looks at me as I walk through the election place and then the Acy's come up to me, "Woah, bad hair day?" Lacey asks.

"Bad hair life?" Stacy asks.

"I think it looks great," I say.

"Yeah, not so much," Jacey says, all of them snapping their fingers.

"Y/n, if you ever expect to be cheer captain...," Lacey starts.

"Well, maybe I don't. Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all," I say.

They gasp as I leave.

"Y/n!" I hear Addison say. I walk over to her and Zed who is practicing his speech.

"I was up all night thinking. You're not a werewolf, you can't be," she says.

"But I love moonlight strolls," I say in defense.

"Yeah, you like sunsets too. That doesn't mean you're a vampire," Zed says.

"Zed...," I start as I'm about to tell him, vampires don't like the sun.

"Look. It's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me," he says.

"All I've ever wanted is to find my pack. And now I think I finally have," I say as I give Addison the box with the moonstone necklace opened, "When I see the wolves, I'm going to put this on. And I'm really sorry I can't make the debate, but I need to find the wolves. Good luck."

I start to leave but then remember my necklace and I go back.

"Whoops, almost forgot. Good luck, Zed. And Addison, whatever happens, I love you," I say as I hug her, then turn to go find the pack.

I then look around some time and find them huddled at the front of the school.

"That's a great plan Willa," I hear Wyatt say.

"What plan?" I asked as I went to them.

"We're going after the moonstone. Top secret. You can't tell anyone," Wynter says and then she looks at the disapproving looks of the pack, she then banged her head with her hands as she scolded herself, "Bad wolf, bad wolf!"

"You're going after the moonstone now?" I asked.

"It won't survive the detonation," Willa says.

"Then let me join you. I'm ready to become a wolf," I say as I take out the box.

"If you really are one," Willa says with a scoff.

"It's gone," I say looking at the empty box.

"You lost it?" Wynter asks in a small voice.

"Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is?" Willa says to me, then she looks at Wyatt "If she was serious about being a wolf, if she was the Great Alpha, she wouldn't have been so careless."

"No, I... I don't know how! I..." I say looking to Wyatt as he looks at me with a sadden expression.

"Stay out of our amazing hair," Willa says as she leaves with the wolves.

I look down but I then feel a familiar hand lift my chin, it's Wyatt.

"Find it, love," he says, "And when you do, you know where to find us."

I smiled at him as he turned around and left to catch up with his sister.

I stay thinking in the hallway for about half an hour when I hear footsteps coming towards me.

Bree then comes and sees my sadden expression, "N/n, are you okay?"

"I lost the necklace Bree. I let the wolves down," I say, then the Z-alarm goes off.

"Attention! Attention! Monster activity at Seabrook Power," the intercom says.

"It's the werewolves. We need to help them," I say, then I look towards Bree, "Bree, would you?"

"I will," she says smiling, "I'm in. Always."

"We can't do this alone. We need to rally the Z-team," I say to her.

"Right," she says.

"No. Actually, we're gonna need everyone," I say.

"Aye-aye, captain," She says smiling.

"C'mon," I say smiling and running down the hall.

" Okay," she follows, hot on my trail.

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