Which one?😉

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This is where they do it. Sorry for the bad writing for it but this is my first time writing smut so...😐

Wyatt's POV:

I can't help but keep staring at y/n, her outfit is bringing too much attention:

Her plaid shirt was put on and tied as a crop top. She just loves showing skin, I thought as I shook my head.

She smiles as is being introduced by Willa to the elders and how she looks so happy learning the pup's names.

She's just so beautiful and I can't wait for what she offered me. She seems particularly fond of one were pup, a girl named Vicky.

"So what's your favorite food Vicky," Y/n asks as I came closer to them.

"Antelope," Vicky says cutely.

Y/n widens her eyes as she looks up at me. I start laughing as I tell her, "There's not that many starbucks in the forest love, we hunt for the food we eat."

"Oh," she says, "Will I have to do that?"

"Well, you have to prove you're strong to be the Alpha so you have to hunt an animal at some point," I say, "Most likely tomorrow when you're going to go through tests for the spot of Alpha."

"Oh. Okay," she says looking down.

"Hey, what's wrong," I say tilting her head to look up.

"I don't know if I can prove myself for it," she says.

"You will," I say to her, "And then you'll get your wolf pack mark," I say pointing to my two lines in my cheek.

"Why do you have two, Willa three, and Wynter one?" she asks.

"It depends on the rank on the pack," I explain, "Willa has three because she is Alpha, I am second to Alpha so I have two, then Wynter has one spear mark as she is stronger in battle. You'll most likely have a star and moon, that's the symbol of the Great Alpha."

"Oh okay," I say.

"Okay wolves," said my mom, an elder, "It's time for you all to go to your quarters, we will test tomorrow night our newest recruit Y/n, The Great Alpha, and see if she'll make our pack prosper. Because after tomorrow night, she will be fully leading our pack."

Everyone howls as we circle Y/n.

We then go to our quarters. And I go to Y/n and try to lead her to mine, "Wyatt," I hear my mom's stern voice.

"You guys are not ready for were pups," she says to Y/n and me, "Besides, Y/n has her own quarters."

"But mom," I whine, "You and dad had Willa and me at 15. We're 16, and she won't get pregnant."

Y/n looked embarrassed as she was hearing the conversation, she most likely doesn't talk about sex so comfortably with her parents. I didn't care though, I wanted everyone to know that Y/n belonged to me already. Especially when we go to school tomorrow.

"Fine, you can share quarters, but I'm warning you young man, if I see a bump on her in three months I will kill you," mom said to me as I was celebrating with Y/n, "Use her quarters, they're bigger."

"Thanks for the tip," I then leave to go to The Great Alpha's quarters.

"This was forever locked as our quarters can only unlock by fingerprint, so no one could really go in as no one was The Great Alpha," I explained as we got in front of her quarters.

"Put your thumb right here," I said motioning to a pad thing next to the door.

"Okay," she says, then she puts her fingerprint and we see as the door slides open and we can see the whole room. It's so big and so beautiful:

Children of the Night (Wyatt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now