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^^ Your pajamas

This one is bigger than the other ones☺️

Y/n's POV:

I was in my room with cocoa and didn't let Addison talk to me the whole day. She tried as soon as she came back from school but I wasn't ready to talk to her.

I then heard something outside the house and decided to go outside. Once I do, I regret not bringing a sweater. It's a little chilly outside.

I see scratch marks on the wall next to the door. I then put my cocoa down and turned around to see the wolf pack.

"Come with us," Willa said.

"What's so important?" I asked them.

"You are," Wyatt says with a smile.

Addison will worry if I go and so will my parents if they try going to my room and see that I'm not there.

But at the moment I don't care what Addison does or say, and I'll just tell mom and dad that I went outside for a little bit if they ask me about it.

As I leave with them, Wyatt looks toward me as I rub my arms really wishing for my sweater.

"You can have my jacket if you're cold," he says towards me.

"Your jacket is sleeveless," I say as nicely as I can because I knew it wouldn't do anything but I didn't want to offend him for trying to be nice.

"Oh, okay," he said looking down.

Now I felt bad, "I can still wear it though, like a blanket, and not put my hands through," I said trying to make him feel better.

He smiled as he wrapped it around me like a Snuggie.

We are in the forbidden forest and the wolves are leading me somewhere, so I ask, "Where are we going?"

"It's a wolf secret," Wynter says, "If we told you, we'd have to kill you."

I look at her in shock as the others look at her, "Too much, too much. I knew it," she then splays out her hands, "Welcome," but changes again with the people's expression, "But not too welcome."

She then goes wolf on me and snarls at me, but then she starts coughing like in cheer practice and I hold onto her, Wyatt's jacket falling to the floor, "Are you okay?"

"My necklace is losing its charge," She says sadly.

"Every day, more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power. All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves...," Wyatt trails off.

"...Which leaves taking care of the pack to us. To me," Willa says. "You'll be fine, Wynter," she says to Wynter, "I promise. You'd better be right about this," she says to Wyatt, "We need to find the moonstone soon," she says as she enters the cave.

I bend down for Wyatt's jacket and give it to him as I stand with it, "Thanks, and sorry."

"It's okay," Wyatt says, he says holding onto my hands with the jacket, "Now come."

"The Wolf den," Wyatt says, as we're inside.

"Wow," I say looking around, I especially liked the moon looking into the den.

"It's okay to be impressed," Wynter says.

"Our language. AWOOOOOOO, Y/n! That means welcome," Wyatt says.

I give it a go but fail and then do it again and again fail. I try one more time but then everyone looks offended.

"Woah, woah, language. There are were-pups around," Wyatt says, making people laugh.

Children of the Night (Wyatt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now