You've Bean Busy

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A large gaping black hole, deep and dark; big enough to see the sheer amount of empty space and practically hear the echoes, but not so big that you could make out its secrets. Then, Millicent stopped yawning,

"You good?" Lena stood across the room from the awakening Millicent. Wrapped in a grey towel, she was lightly pressing her wet hair against a drying cloth, "When I woke up for the first time, I'd never felt better,"

"Yeah, I feel great," Millicent said, stifling a yawn, "I could really do with some Branston beans though." Millicent looked at Lena hopefully, and she smiled back pitifully at her,

"Got you covered, Mil," Lena grabbed a large bowl filled with Branston beans and inhaled deeply at the distinct aroma, before reluctantly passing it to her friend. Millicent snatched the bowl and ravaged through the beans as if she were a vampire thirsty for blood. She finished very quickly and sat back on the bed, refreshed. The girls sat together on Lena's bed and discussed the beans passionately, "I had a dream last night- well, a vision. I saw the future. I saw Him. He told me how to awaken Him and begin the revolution. As soon as He's created, humanity as we know it will be no more: the beans will rule over Earth and everyone will know the joys of Branston beans."

"Are you serious?! That sounds amazing! How do we do it? What do we need, what's His plan?" Millicent, ever excited, sat bolt upright and listened intently,

"First, we need numbers. People who've seen the light, understand His vision and can help us achieve His glory. Then, we'll buy a very large supply of Branston beans and store them in one huge container. We'll heat this up and the beans will rise and multiply, as they did for you and I. They will take His shape, then all we must do is praise Him until He takes form." Lena recited Branston's orders from the night before exactly as she'd heard them, Millicent nodding along like an eager puppy,

"Numbers... how many?", Millicent asked inquisitively,

"About 5 or six of us should do- it shouldn't take much, it isn't like anybody could resist the beans." Lena and Millicent then broke out into a fit of robotic laughter, with fake, half-smiles. They were both entirely off-their-heads. They were no longer who they once were and the change was irreversible. The beans don't take chances. It is fate. 

Then, a flash came up on their screens: it was their friend Ken: REEEEEEEEEEEEE

The pair locked eyes and smiled lightly in unison. They'd found their next conversion.

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