I wrote this novel because I didn't like many of the werewolf novel descriptions in young adult fiction and in new adult fiction. I knew that I wasn't alone in not preferring werewolves. They're probably one of my least favorite supernatural creatures. That's why I wanted to write something more metaphorical, yet that felt raw.
I was inspired by the genre criticism. The some of the valid points of the male reaction to "pretty boys" as the romantic male interest led me to reconsider my characterization. I thought about representing the "everyman" good man. I literally did not want to judge a book by its cover. I wrote Geoffrey as someone like the husbands that readers will fall in love with, if they haven't already married for love.
Geoffrey is an average-looking scarred double-amputee (legs) war vet. His heart and his dedication are what makes him sexy. I have family members who have served and that are serving; I'm not the only person though. It was important to me to acknowledge that despite injuries, disabilities, and traumas, war vets are still humans; they still want to love and they still want to be loved. They're still good enough for love, even when they feel like they're damaged beyond repair. Some of the strongest people both physically and psychologically are veterans. Their resilience is incredible, and nothing shirt of inspirational.
Focusing more on the real-life elements, instead of the saturating readers in the supernatural elements, makes the story more relatable. In the end, this novel is about what it means to be an adult, not what it means to be a werewolf. The werewolf transformation is about the human condition, the human heart, and the human spirit; what is human life?
The Magnificent and The Maleficent by Heron Djenne Canvasback
WerewolfCordelia didn't know what was harder: adulting or exercising. Well, she tried balancing both, and jogging just might have given her a run for her life. Now, she's turning into a werewolf. Ugh. As if life wasn't hard enough. Will she be able to rever...