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All my life I had the "perfect life" or so I thought. I had a bestfriend Veronica Lodge who was my ride or die for everything. I don't know what I would do without her. Then what people envied the most about my was I had the golden boy Archie Andrews chasing after me like a restless dog. Yet still many people ask why I hate my life as much as I do.

I hide behind a stupid mask of pink sweaters and milkshakes. On the outside I'm a good girl who is a A+ student, a bookworm and a rivervixen but it reality I am a teenage girl who fake smiles, selfharms, has severe anxiety and is insecure. But one of the main things I struggle with is my darkness. I don't know where it comes from but it makes me do crazy things like squeeze my plans till they bleed, want to get revenge, and sometimes I get out of control.

None of my friends know this about my because I can't trust anyone. I don't know if I can even bring myself to tell anybody. They all see me the same. A girl with no problems. I feel alone and it's the worst and ugliest feeling on this planet. I'm afraid of getting rejected if I show my real self not this disguise. I fear nobody could love and heal my wounds. And why should I also pity myself when other people have it worse? I was living in fear of myself, and what I have become or what I could become.

This brings me to my broken love story:

I woke up to the light shining bright in my face. I covered my hands over my eyes and sat up. I smiled big and hopped out of bed. It was the last day of summer before junior year and I was sad but also excited for the party that was being held at Reggies.

I got dressed and did my hair into a tight ponytail and put on a tshirt sweater and jean shorts. I grabbed my handbag and hopped downstairs to the kitchen. "Hey honey your looking quite peppy today aren't you! Last day of summer!" She said sipping on her coffee while reading the paper. "I know! I'm meeting Veronica at pops for breakfast do you want me to bring you back anything?" "No thanks honey, have a good time make sure to update me on what your doing so I don't have to send a search party looking for you to find out your out with Veronica at the mall or somthing." I laughed and rolled my eyes. "I will mom. I'll see you later."

I grabbed my keys and drove to pops. When I got there I walked into the diner and the iconic bell rang as I smelled fresh pancakes and brewed coffee. I walked in and saw Veronica sitting at a booth with her waitress outfit on. She had her reading glasses on and it looked like she was doing bills. "Hey V!" I said as I walked over to the booth. She looked up and took of her glasses and smiled. "Hey B, thanks for coming." She set her glasses aside and put the bills down.  I sat down as my ponytail bounced with the comfy booth chair. "Sorry I've just been stressed with all these bills, between the bon Luit and Pops it's a lot to handle." I bit my bottem lip and tried to think of somthing to lighten the mood like I normally do. Ever since Veronica started this buisness war with her dad she now owns Pops and a nightclub in the basement of Pops. She works like a dog half the time and I feel bad for how much stress she's under. "I thought you said you were going to have a fun summer V, you can do the bills towmorrow can't you?" I offered as I have a small smile. "Yeah but you know I hate waiting. Plus half the workers bailed on me because they're high schoolers looking for a summer job and now they want to hang out with their friends. I don't have enough to work tonight." She put her head in her hands furestrated. I let out a sigh. I didn't want to work for free at pops but I had to because Veronica is my friend and if it's the only way to make her feel better I will. "Hey why don't I work for tonight, for free ofcourse." "Well what about the swimming hole? We do that every last day of summer it's a tradition." "That's a hour and a half before our shift V it'll be okay" I grabbed her hands as he looked up and smiled. "Your a life saver B what would I do without you." I raised my eyebrows. "You'd drown in stress."
She laughed and I saw her happiness come back and I felt better.

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