kim seoyun.
"looking for something, seoyun?"
i gasped loudly. why did i have to be stuck in a cabin with this man? this is all playing out like a stupid fanfiction. "can you give them back!?"
i cry out, reaching uo to grip them, but he only raises himself onto his toes, holding it up with an evil grin.
jeno peeked out from the top bunk, snatching them away from him. "back off, wong." he gritted his teeth and handed me the pair of panties.
i swear, my face couldn't have been redder than it was at that moment. it was awful.
i quickly shoved them into my bag as yukhei snickered and made his way back to his bunk from across the room.
jaemin came up to me with yuta, smiling brightly. "i don't think you two met.. right?" jaemin cocked his hesd to the side, trying to think of a possible time we happened to meet. which we hadn't.
i paused his thought process right there. "no, no, you're right jaemin. we haven't." i turn to yuta and hold out my hand, smiling softly. "hi, i'm kim seoyun." i chuckle.
yuta gently takes my hand and shakes it firmly. "i'm nakamoto yuta." he smiles back at me.
his smile is beautiful, i thought. "it's lovely to meet you."
"yuta is gonna hang out with us today, seoyun! is that okay?" jaemin clasped hs hands together and smiled brightly.
i nodded and smiled. "it's really late.. is there much we're really doing?" i checked the time on the clock hung above the cabin door, blinking.
"i think they just have some food outside. we can all hang out and stuff." jeno mumbled as he came down from the top bunk, making me smile.
i turned to yuta and jaemin. "well, let's go find the others?" i smile as they nod, and we all start to head outside.
"thank you so much, seoyun... i don't know what i would do without you!!" minseo smiled brightly as she handed me back the mosquito repellent bottle. i stuffed it into my backpack, smiling.
"no problem. oh my god, did i tell you that yukhei is in our cabin? he took my underwear and held it up! i can't believe this.." i whined as i whispered to minseo, watching all the boys get some food from the buffet that the staff had set up.
"are you serious??" minseo sat up and looked at me, grabbing my shoulders. she was clearly serious. "you need to tell someone. he can't do that to you. this is all week we're talking about, seoyun!"
i whined. "i know, but he'll know it was my doing. he'll just make fun of me for it, and i know that's not what i want." i sighed and looked up as yuta sat beside us, handing us both some drinks as he sat beside me.
"i hope these taste good. you know school food is utter bullshit, but i figured you guys might be thirsty." he smiled and took a bite out of his hot dog, watching as the others came over.
chenle seemed to get ahold of jisung's ds again, except this time he didn't know where he had put it. we all left them to bicker and continued to talk and laugh together. it was a fun night.
while hanging out with everyone, i found out that yuta and i have a lot in common. he was a really fun person, and i enjoy being around him. bonus, he's absolutely stunning. i couldn't get over how he looked in front of our lit fire. he looked so... golden. as everyone left, it began to grow darker. everyone was starting to head back to their cabins, but yuta and i sat in front of the fire together. we were talking about a lot of personal things. just... getting to know each other.
"are you close with your parents?"
i was a bit shocked at the sudden question, but i answered truthfully. "yeah, my mother.. she's a sweetheart."
he nodded gently and smiled at me. "what about your father?"
i bit my lip and looked down at my legs. "he um... passed away years ago... from drug overdose." i whispered and rubbed the back of my head.
yuta just looked at me and bit his lip. "i'm.. so sorry. i shouldn't have asked." he shifted closer to me and carefully wrapped an arm around my shoulders before setting his head on mine.
i felt so relaxed in his hold. it meant so much for someone to hold me and care. someone new. someone who wasn't minseo or jeno. he was truly good at this, too. he rubbed my arm and sighed.
"seoyun.. wanna know something?" he smiled softly and pulled away to look at me.
i looked up at him and nodded softly. "mhm."
"i thought you were really attractive when i first saw you walk into the cabin... i had seen you around before, but... i got a good look at you today. i'm really interested." he gently took my hand in his, smiling at you.
i blushed darkly and looked up into his eyes. "r- really? i mean, i never knew you personally, but... i always thought you were good looking.." i looked up at him and sighed softly.
"what's the sigh for?" he held my hands tighter.
"it's just that.. nobody has really liked me like this since.. i don't know." i sighed. "i'm sorry if i'm awkward or seem bad at this stuff. i really don't mean it."
yuta shook his head and chuckled. "it's okay." he rubbed my knuckles softly with his thumb. "you're a senior and haven't had a love interest?"
"everyone uses me to get with minseo. she's so beautiful." i sigh and look up at yuta.
he nods softly and sighs. "yeah, but it's okay.. i wouldn't do that to you. i promise." he smiled and gently stood up, stretching carefully. "it's late... wanna head back to the cabin?" he smiled brightly.
i smiled back and nodded, grabbing the water bottle by the fire and putting it out carefully before going to yuta.
"so.. we aren't together but we're... talking, right?" i tilted my head and chuckled.
yuta smiled and nodded. "yes we are! is that okay?" he held my hand as we walked. i blushed.
"perfect.." i held his hand and hummed softly.
as we arrived at the cabin, he opened the door for me. i smiled and thanked him, slowly walking in. i checked the clock. it was four am. shit, we're supposed to wake up at six. everyone in our cabin was asleep though. i carefully climbed in bed. instead of doing that too, yuta smiled and made his way to me, pulling a blanket over me. he brushed my bangs out of my face and kissed my forehead. i blushed darkly.
"goodnight, seoyun." he smiled at me and caressed my cheek.
"goodnight, yuta.." i smiled sleepily at him and watched him as he went over to his bed, the bottom bunk. jaemin was snoring on the top. i wondered how any of us would sleep when he was snoring like that. i smiled and closed my eyes, slowly falling asleep.
little did they know, little yukhei was awake and watching them the entire time.
hello lovelies!!! please don't forget to vote and comment!!! i hope you're doing well!! i love you guys so much. school is officialy over for me. i'm happy. i think i'm gonna prewrite all of these chapters? maybe start a schedule? i'll start uploading chaoters every monday and friday, i don't know aboht a specific time, but just those days! we'l find out more if this story gets bigger. i love you guys <3
what do you think yukhei will do in the morning?

campfire. // wong yukhei
Romancethe senior class goes on a camping trip for their graduation celebration. after kim seoyun finds out that she's in a cabin with satan himself, wong yukhei, she realizes that the trip may not go as planned.