Never Knowing - Chapter Two

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They spend the rest of the car journey in silence. When Kathy reaches her house, she thanks Shay and walks inside. "Where have you been young lady?!" Demands Kathy's mum.
"Sorry lost track of time." Kathy mutters. Her mum hugs her close. "Try and pay more attention from now on, ok? I thought I'd lost you."
"I'm sorry mum." Kathy says, before going upstairs to bed.

The next day Kathy decides to go back to Clovelly. She gets a bus there and starts walking up to the forest. "What did I say about this forest?" Kathy hears Shay say behind her. "How did you know where I was?" She asks.
"I saw you come into town, and then you started walking up to the forest. It's dangerous here Kathy. Stay out." He says to her.
Kathy shakes her head. "I can't, I need to find my sister."
He looks at her sadly, "That's why you come, isn't it?"
Kathy nods and starts walking again.
Shay grabs her arm and she stops abruptly. "Please don't." Shay pleads.
"You can't stop me." Kathy protests.
Shay sighs, "Ok fine, but I'm coming with you."

They pick their way through the forest in silence. "There's a waterfall somewhere around here." Shay tells her. He leads her to where he thinks it is and sure enough there is a large waterfall infront of them. "Wow." Kathy gasps. He smiles at her and stares at the waterfall. Suddenly Kathy spots something. A glint of blonde hair at the bottom of the waterfall. Her heart leaps as she runs over to it. "Kathy!" Shay calls running after her. She takes no notice and jumps down into the pool at the bottom of the waterfall before surfacing. "What the hell Kathy?" Shay scolds, after surfacing from the water aswell. Kathy ignores him yet again and wades over to the now visible girl with blonde hair. As she gets closer she is sure that it is Mandy. She crawls out of the pool and leans over the girl on the stones. She shakes her gently, nothing. Kathy shakes harder. Nothing. She rolls her over and looks at her slightly parted mouth and wide staring eyes. Mandy is dead.

Kathy freezes, not moving. Shay comes over to her with a look of worry and annoyance on his face. "Kathy why would you..." he begins to say, before looking at the girl Kathy is leant over. "Oh Kathy..." he whispers. Kathy breaks into sobs and covers her face with her hands. Shay rocks her gently and she turns to him, crying against his chest. She doesn't even care how hot his arms cradling her are. He whispers to her that it's ok over and over, but she doesn't respond.

They stay like that for a while, before Shay picks her up and takes her away from the forest. He takes her to the ice cream shop and serves her a triple scoop strawberry ice cream. Kathy licks it quietly, tears streaming down her face. "I am so sorry Kathy." He whispers sadly.
"It's not your fault." Kathy whispers back.
"I shouldn't of let you go into the forest." Shay says resentfully.
Kathy shrugs " I would've found her at some point. At least I know."
She stares at her ice cream and starts crying again. Shay takes her ice cream and puts it in a cone holder before hugging her close. "You don't have to do this Shay." Kathy mumbles after she catches her breath. "I want to." He answers simply. Kathy cuddles him and closes her eyes, mourning her sister.

Shay drives her home, glancing at her every now and then. Kathy looks out of the window sadly as they drive. When they get to her house, Shay says "Do you want me to come in with you?"
Kathy shakes her head. "It's fine. Thank you for everything Shay."
He nods and says goodbye as Kathy gets out of the car. "Hello Kathy!" Her mum calls as she walks in. "Mum I found Mandy." She blurts out.
Her mum's eyes widen. "Really?! Where is she? Oh that's so amazing Kath!"
Kathy shakes her head, "She's dead mum." Her mum starts crying and crumples to the floor. Kathy hugs her and starts crying too. Mandy's gone.

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