The next two days were a wreck. Tory avoided Diana like a plague, and it tore her heart to pieces. All she wanted was to run to him and hug him, never letting him go. But he was drifting away, he couldn't get himself to face her or talk to her. He knew this would push her away, but he thought it was all for the best.
Diana would cry herself to sleep every night. She had had enough. If all it took for her to be okay again was to hate Tory, then she would gladly do it. She was conveying weakness, instead of protecting her people. All because of love. Fuck love.
She dried her tears as she got out of the shower. She should never have let herself fall for him that easily. He was a loser, an asshole who didn't know how to treat a woman right. He was toxic. And she had to regain focus and get over the stupid feelings she had. She was a leader. Of a mafia.
Finalizing her badass outfit with dark makeup, she let hair fall.. Not bothering to add an extension to it. She had dyed it back to black, permanent black. Her heart was rock hard now. She had been weak for a little while, but that's the human in her...and now she wasn't going to let it consume her anymore.
Everyone was ready for the mission. She was glad Tory and Cassie were teamed up together. But it wouldn't matter anyway. He was part of her past now, and all that brought them together was their mutual enemy... The Russians.
Trevor stared at her, knowing not to make one his stupid jokes...she wouldn't hesitate to kill him in that foul mood of hers. And yes, there were time he was afraid of his sister..times like now. She was deadly and her dark soul wouldn't care who she killed. Blood or not.
The ride was quiet, heading towards the hideout where they would attack from. They had to be early so as to assess the area. Trevor and Xander teamed up with Diana.
Both teams got to their areas of attack at the same time, and began setting up traps, loading weapons and finally testing their earpieces for information flow.
Diana called out as everyone turned their mics.
"Xander? "
Her breath hitched as she held onto it...this was harder than she thought. But she had to toughen up..
There was an uncomfortable wave of silence before Cassie decided to break it off.
"Okayyy, guysss all set...the van will be crossing the border in 15...almost immediately, their troops will follow suit.. And that's when we attack.. " She explained.
"Got it " Everyone sighed through their mics.
In exactly 30 seconds, the van would be in their view..
Everyone was set by now..
"5, 4, 3 , 2, 1..."
"Now! !!"
Bullets rained as the Russian troops came to sight. Everything was working out as planned.
Diana accurately threw a device and it stuck on the van... A tracking device.
"Done! !! Let's go guysss! " She yelled through her mic as they got into their cars. Trevor and Xander connecting to the tracker and locating the direction.
"Tory, take the route on your right" Trevor directed and Tory swerved through the route, Cassie almost hitting her head in the process.
"You're the worst driver I've ever seen! " Cassie yelled at him.
"What are you gonna do..tell on me to Marco?! " Tory teased as he made a turn.
"Son of a bi-"
"-Guyss!! I'm trying to concentrate.. You can kill each other later" Diana scolded.
"Whose side are you on Dee! " Cassie couldn't stop yelling.
"If I could, i would kiss you right now..point made?! " Diana said as she swerved past the trees.
"Excuse me..you two can confess your feelings for each other in private later!! " Tory snapped angrily.
"Uuuu....do i smell jealousy!" Trevor mocked as Diana suppressed a smile.
"Oh please" Tory huffed.
But his jealousy was evident. Everyone else could feel it.
"We're here" Xander informed as the two cars took a halt side by side.
They shot, slit throats and snapped necks with stealth. Their movements were calculated, and so far it was all working to their advantage.
It wasn't the first time they had done something like this, they had taken out almost all the Russian guards. Almost.
As they got into the warehouse, the troops split... Tory finding himself with Diana. They both ignored each other, holding on to their breaths and tightening their jaws...or they would pounce on each other right then.
Diana got a little distracted and didn't notice the Russian behind her. Before he could harm her, Tory shot him between the eyes, startling Diana. He saved her. He loved her, so dearly. Her heart melted at the act. She couldn't hold herself together anymore..
"Don't lose focus, come on.. We have Russians to kill" He said coldly before she could do anything, and retreated. It hurt him more than it hurt her. Why was he holding back...why couldn't he just say 'fuck it' and kiss her like it was the end of the world.
Ouch. Diana's heart ached once more.
Their men had succeeded in stuffing the stolen weaponry in the vehicles.. They were headed towards the car before a gunshot erupted..
Diana, Cassie, Trevor and Xander looked back to who had been shot..
Diana's eyes widened as she shot the Russian in the leg...he wasn't going to die that easily. Some of Diana's men captured the man and threw him into the vehicle.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran to Tory, who was on his knees..clutching his side, with blood oozing out of it.
Her vision was blinded with tears as she tore her shirt off and wrapped it around the wound to prevent further bleeding as she rested his head on her chest..
"Stay with me baby...stay with me" She cried.
"I..." He winced, trying to let out the words..
"Sssshhh,i know baby,i know... don't say anything my love... Oh my God oh my God... Someone get here and help me the fuck out!!!!!!! " She was raging, fuming, sad, worried...everything.
"I love you Tory, please stay with me...stay with me my love"
"Hurry uuuuuuup!!!!!! " Her blood boiled as they carried Tory and lay him on the stretcher.
He had to stay alive....he had to fucking stay alive.
Let me die first, or I'll die twice

Lost In His Emerald (COMPLETE)
AcciónShe enrolls in Blaire Academy as a totally different person, hoping no one would dig into her past and find her secrets. When she meets him, her life takes a whole different turn. They don't have the best relationship, but would this change? Or woul...