Introduction part 4

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AN: I really hope you guys like this :)
bold = AN
(y/n) = your name
(y/f/n) = your full name
(y/p) = your pronouns
(y/g) = your gender(girl or boy)
(e/c) = your eye color
(y/s/m) = your social media
italic font = thinking

KEEP IN MIND: when I say (y/p), it could mean she/he, her/him, she's/he's, hers/his, She'll/he'll etc. AND WHEN I SAY (y/n), let's say for example, your name is Ashley, it could mean Ashley, Ashley's, Ashleys, Ashleys's


only one person read part 3 and i just wanted to say its kinda important to this part of the story so you might want to read it lol

Andy's pov
I woke up this morning feeling r e a l l y excited. Today is the day I get to see (y/n) again. Oh god. why am I acting like (y/p) my grifkch and I haven't seen (y/p) in forever. I've only seen (y/p) twice. Talked to (y/p) twice. Unless you count texting... Still. Not grifkch material. I mean... maybe (y/n) is grifkch material... I just don't really know (y/p) yet. Hopefully though... I'll get to know (y/p).

(y/n) pov
I woke up this morning feeling r e a l l y excited. Today is the day I get to see Andy. I decided I was gonna tell him I liked him. I got ready, putting on my black skinny jeans, I Don't Know How But They Found Me t-shirt, and an oversized Bring Me The Horizon sweater. I painted my nails black and did my eyeliner. Had to look extra emo for daddy 😤😤😤.

I walked to Peak's Park at 3:45 pm and just enjoyed the view before da-Andy got here. (y/n)! You can't think like that. At least not yet. Once you explain everything to him... all your kinks... If, and only if he agrees, then will you tell him your fantasies of him punishing you for going to bed past bedtime...and rewarding you for being a good little Little.

Haha I meant to say little twice. you'll see later lol

All of a sudden, my eyes were covered. "Guess who?" That sexy voice asked.

"Hmm... I don't know... definitely can't be the BEST and the SEXIEST member of Black Veil Brides now, can it?" I responded.

"Nah. that's CC"

"Oh," I thought. "Sexiest, best, AND funniest I see."

"Also CC."

I ripped his hands off my face and looked at his blue eyes. They were so goddamn deep, I felt like I was staring into the deep abyss. "Sit." I nodded to the bench I was sitting on and as soon as he sat down, I got up, and sat on his lap. I could feel him getting hard beneath me. I got more and more horny by the second. I looked into his eyes once more as I said, "Hey Daddy."

"Daddy?" He questioned. "That's a new one." he added, and then murmured under his breath, "Never been called 'Daddy' before."

I laughed as I asked him, "Are you serious?" He nodded yes in response as I asked him, "Do you know what it means?"

"A father?" He responded, sounding confused.

"I- no you idiot!" I can't believe I'm about to teach Daddy something! Normally, it's the other way around!! I really wish he'd become my daddy. Spanking my ass everytime I broke one of Daddy's precious rules. "Do you know what kinks are?"

"Yea, my ex had quite a lot of them."

Great. I thought. Bringing up your ex as I'm trying to make you mine. "Okay well, there's this one kink that I'm into. It's called DDLG. It stands for Daddy Dom Little Girl. Basically, the 'Daddy', that's you by the way, is the caregiver. The Daddy in the relationship gets to control everything. When the Little, that would be me, goes to bed, what the Little eats for breakfast, everything."

"Sounds... intriguing"

"Yes, but there are rules. Like say... if I go to bed late, I get punished. You get to choose whatever punishment you see fit, whether it's spanking me, or making me blow you."

"Oh", he responds, "So basically, we're like those horny stepdad/ horny stepdaughter relationships on pornhub." I couldn't help but think How the hell do you say that with a deadpanned expression on your WHAT!!!

"You watch porn?" I ask, smirking.

"No duh! I'm horny like all the time with all my fans swooning in on me telling me all the damn time! Asking me things like 'How long are you?' and 'Would you maybe wanna fuck sometime?' Gotta release that energy some how, so I watch porn and uhh...yea" He got shy all of a sudden. Oh god. This is why I can never get a boyfriend. I make shit awkward between us ugh! "So... you said there were rules?"

"yea um, you get to create the rules. They could be anywhere from 'Go to bed at 10:30 pm on work nights and 12:30 am on weekends unless Daddy instructs otherwise' to 'No coming until Daddy says so'" I couldn't help but smile at that last one. No coming until Daddy says so. Maybe I'll do it before he says so, JUST so he could spank me afterwards. A develish grin appeared on your face.

"Okay. Well... Let's go to my house then."


"Well," he responds, "We're not just gonna come up with the rules out here now are we? I figure I should give this 'Daddy' thing a try before I knock it down." I could feel my heart beating a mile a minute. I went over to peck him on his cheek, and soon after I did, I could feel his hands, cupping my face. He brought his face closer to mine, until our lips were less than half a centimeter apart. He leans forward and our lips connect. We kiss slow, and passionately. His mouth tastes familiar. Like Starbuck's caramel macchiato. My favorite drink. Seems fitting that the breath of my favorite celebrity crush tastes like my favorite drink. Our lips disconnect, as he soon says, "Well... Shall we?"

"We shall!" I respond, so excited that I ACTUALLY get to visit Andy at his home. All my online friends who love BVB, and more specifically, Andy, would K I L L to have this opportunity. I walk with him, taking detail of everything along the way, so I would know how to get to his house again, if the need shall arise.

Andy Biersack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now