Chapter one.

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Scared and fucking freaked out.
That's the two emotions I was feeling as my dad drove our car through the country roads towards my Mom and Dads old home.
Stone Bridge!
I have never been there for some unknown reason and it's where my Parents fell in love but then left and married in LA and had a mirical baby.
That's me!

For some reason my mother couldn't get pregnant for 7 years into their marriage but after a second honey moon in Greece they got pregnant with me.
Since Greece was where they finally managed to get pregnant they decided to stay there for the nine months just to have me there.

We visited Greece every summer and I loved it there.
But now we are moving to Stone bridge because my dear Gran mother Alice had died and left us my Dad's childhood home.

"Sweetie are you okey back there"? My Mom Becca asked as we pulled into the entrance of the town.
"Yeah" i answerd her and looked at most of the people who seemed to be happy here.
We stepped out of the car as my Dad parked outside a icecream shop called Charlies.

"Becca and Jake Davis is that yous "! A woman with a black short dress that stock to her like glue over the summers weather.
"Oh my god Betty"! My mom claps her hands smiling warmly at her as they embraced.
"Oh my is that little Blair"? The woman smiled warmly at me with bright excited eyes.
Small? I'm not that small!
"Yes it is Blair this is my high school bestfriend betty" My mom introduced me.
"Its nice to meet you!" I smiled at her, she looked over me in a weird way.

I had brown hair that came a bit over my shoulders, brown chestnut eyes that always seemed to gain people's attention because of how big they were.
And I had a tanish glow to my skin thanks to summers in Greece and I had a short hot pink Belly top and a skirt to match.
With my black toms.

"Your beautiful darling!  Do me a favour and introduce yourself to my son Dan he's a real charmer " Betty squealed as she dragged me into the icecream parler.
A boy with light blonde hair smiled at me.
He had dark blue eyes and really dark skin.
He had a cute baby face and broad shoulders.
I could feel his eyes hungrily trail my body and it made me kinda uncomfortable...

"Nice to meet you I'm Dan Brown and you are pretty lady"? He smirked a carefree smirk that made my Dad clench his fist that was on my shoulder.
"I'm Blair Davis " I smile politely.
His eyes widen slightly but then he smiles;  "well Miss Davis how bout I take you on a tour of our town and I'll drop you off at your Dads house I know the way" he said and before I could protest my mom butted in.
"Yes how kind of you"! She said.
I could feel myself getting aggravated.
"We'll see you at home darling " and with that the two traitors I had for parents left.

"So what age are you "? Dan asked as we walked down a small alleyway that led to the shops.
"17 you"? I retorted trying to sound interested but I couldn't help feel uninterested.
"Same! So you here for the entire summer or what? " he asked as we approached a bike store.
"Yes but Mom said we're living here for good so I guess I'll have to get used to the country folk ways" i laughed.

"Ain't you glad you got the Rennes all riled up"? He grinned at me in a weird way that made my insides curl.
"Rennes who are the Rennes "? I asked as I took my hair our of the braid and let my hair fall freely down my shoulders.
I watched as his eyes stayed glued to my breasts and trailed to wear my skirt hung off my hips.
Okey I know the outfit was a bit slut ty but skirts were my favourite thing to wear.
When he caught me staring at his gaze on me he smiled sheepishly.
"I'm sorry it's just you don't really see girls around here that were such hot things like you do or look that hot like you" he said and I felt my blush starting to form on my cheeks.
"So the Rennes "? I asked curiously as we made our way down the town road that reached a housing estate.

He scratches the back off his head and looks down on me.
"You surly know that the Rennes and Davis's have been hating and competing against each other since the early 1600s right"? He laughed.
My family were the most kindest people I know they wouldn't fight!

"I take that as a no!
It got that bad it drove your dad and mom out of down along with the rest of the Davis's, you guys are the first ones to return since 1926" he revealed and I felt even more confused.

We finally reached the Davis's mansion.
It was beautiful!

A big white house that was at least 6 stories up.
It was a old looking one but the thing that made it beautiful was the high trees that surrounded it.
"I'd stay clear of Tyler Rennes the girls seem to like him but if your parents caught you with him they wouldn't be happy babe" he said and I peeked up at him at the catching name of the boy.
"Thanks for walking me home and for today Dan" i faked a sincere smile, he leaned down a brushed his lips to my burning cheek.
"Bye Miss Davis " he grinned and I watched him walking away.
I felt relieved to be away from him!
Yes he was nice but he was way too touchy and had a hint of the player in him.

I walked inside the house amand gasped.
It was amazing!
A huge titanic style staircase and a lot of old photos of what looked like my ancestors.
"So how was your date"? My Mom barged in through the door with a knowing smile.
"It wasn't a date" i huffed going up the stairs.
"Your room is the first door to your right, we're ordering a take away what do you want "? She asked.
"Taco fries and a coke" i shouted and ran upstairs.
I opened the door to my new room.
It was really big and painted a pale pink that I loved because I love pink!
A old chandelier hung from the ceiling and a four poster bed was pushed against the wall.
I looked around and saw that she put my stuff away and I smiled fondly at my mother's habit to clean and put stuff away.
She was kinda OCD and I didn't mind at all!
A bathroom was in my room so I decided to take a warm bath before bed.

One I was out of the bath I put on a clean pair of underwear and a large band t-shirt that I usually slept in.
I got inside the covers and immediately fell into a deep slumber with one thought haunting me in my sleep.

What the hell was going on with the Davis's and the Rennes...

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