Chapter 4

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I didn't know what to do.
I was going against my father's demands.
He specifically told me to stay away from the Reenes but I wasn't exactly following his orders.
Instead I was straddling Tyler in my room, on my bed with his shirt on the floor.
Thank god my parents weren't home because if they were I'm pretty sure Tyler would be going back home with a bloody face.

My thoughts were interrupted when he lifted my dress so it bunched up around my hips.
My undergarments on full display.
"As much as I would love to continue I think we're going a bit far" i whispered as he trailed soft wet kisses along my jaw line.
"Yeah" he smiled and pulled back on his shirt.

"How long are your parents away for"? He asked as he pulled me into his arms,
"They'll be back around noon tomorrow " i sighed as he gently rubbed my back, "want me to stay with you tonight "? He asked pulling me up to look at him.
"Yes if you don't mind" i smiled widely at him in happiness,  "of course i dont mind baby" those words alone made me squirm in excitement!

""This whole secrecy relationship are you sure your okey with it"? I causisly asked Tyler as we walked around in the forest.
I loved walking around in this forest with him, it was our place.
He looked at me in wonder for a moment or two before he smiled down at me.
"As long as I'm with you I'm happy Blair" he said and I felt myself smile.
I reached up and twinned my arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to mine.
I could never get tired of kissing Tyler!
He gently opened his mouth allowing me to stroke my tounge against his, our mouths feeding hungrily from each other.
Then I was backed up by him against the tree and he lifted me by the backs my my thighs so that my legs wrapped around his waist. I felt his lips connect to my neck as he kissed my neck slowly and lovingly I think it was loving, he was so gentle like my body would break like glass.
"Stop" i whispered and started to turn away from him.
""Blair"? I heard him question, I faced with with my eyes Briming with tears.
"Is this all you want me for"? I gestured to my body, he raised his eyebrows at me and frowned.
"My body,  you just want a could quick session"? I raise my voice at him as anger flowed front my body.
He continued to stare at me in confusion but I took that as a yes and fled from him.

"I dont want you for just your body Blair"! He hissed grabbing my arm.
I whipped around to face him and glared, "Then why do you even want me atall Tyler"! I yell in his face and I'm suddenly pushed against the door,  what the hell?!
"Because I like you a lot and I want you because I'm falling for you Blair Davis " he whispered against my trembling lips.
He likes me.
I take his face in my hands a crash my lips to his, he immediately kissed me back Softly and gently.
"I'm sorry I was overreacting I'm just not used to this and I don't know how to do this" i said facing him and used my hands to wrap around his waist.
"This is new to me as well but I wanna make it work Blair I really do" he murmured into my neck.
He pressed his lips to mine and we both let our bodies relax against each other.

The rest of the day we did nothing but bake!
I loved baking and he was more than excited to help me.
We made a Chocolate muffin cake and some hot coco.
We ate cake and watched the twilight saga because it was my favourite and I maybe bribed him into watching it with me.
We got into my bed later that night and cuddled up to each other and began to drift into a undisturbed slumber.

Rape & abuse.
"Honey can you just grab the grapes there"? My Mom asked as we went shopping in the supermarket.
I walked over and put a plastic container of grapes into the trolly.
"Have we got milk"? I asked mom trying to remember if there was enough milk at home, walking over to her she grimaced as she held up a low fat carton.
"Its fine" I reassure her and the both of us started unloading the groceries onto the desk.

"Baby Dan called here asking for you he's up in your room waiting for you" My mom said as she fled out the door to her car.
So it was just me and Dan great!

"What are you doing here"? I smiled as I walked into my room.
He looked me up and down with that same weird look.
I was just wearing a simple lilac flowy summer dress.
"Are we alone"? He murmured as he pressed me against my locked door.
"Yes why"? I asked my breathing uneven.
He pressed his hand against my sex and I gasped.
"Stop"! I screamed but he put a gag into my mouth.
No please god no!
I tried trashing around in his as his but he smirked as he pushed me onto my bed, climbing onto my torso and chained my hands to each bed post.
I tried to move my ash but the cold rough metal of the cuffs cut across my hands.
He got off and slid my underwear down my legs leaving me with my sex on full display.
No please god don't let him rape me.
He began to suck on my neck making me whimper out in discust.
The gag fell out of my mouth and I  did the only thing that came to my mind I spoke to him.
"You don't have to tie me up Dan I'll let you do what you want" she murmured making him smile gently at her.
"I want you please " I faked a moan as i ran my foot across his back.
His eyes lit up in excitement and he began to untie me.
Once I  was free he lined himself up at my entrance.
"You ready baby? " he asked smiling at me.
"Yes" and with that seductive whisper i raised my foot and kicked at what I was certain were his rips and he fell to the floor groaning.
I rushed to put on my dress and once it was on he was stood infront on me with a evil expression.
"You bitch"! He snarled and punched me.
I  fell to the ground with him straddling me again.
I felt slaps going to my face making me hiss in pain, I could see that I was losing consionce and I let my eyes close but the last thing I saw were a pair of my favourite eyes looking at me.

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