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"Ya'll ready?" I asked the boys

"Yea Kacey we ready, hopefully this nigga don't trip" Pablo responded and I nodded my head.

We were gonna try to talk to our boss about leaving his business, we was gonna see if we can just talk to him first without killing him. But deep down inside I know either way we gonna have to kill him even if he allow us to leave the business.

"Amina you gonna be good while we're gone?" I asked her

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, stay here unless your walking the dog" I told her sternly and she slolwy nodded her head. "If I find out you dis-obeyed me imma kill you myself"

"I don't care about you or your empty threat-"

"If he killed children and babies what makes you think he's not gonna kill you? And then ya'll not even close" Khari added.

"I guess" She mumbled

We went outside to get into the car. It was pablo turn to drive, even though we have our own cars we have a black van we all go if we're traveling together. I made sure we had enough guns for everybody just in case the plan fails.

"Pablo can you hurry the fuck up, driving slow as hell" Hadji kicked pablo's seat.

"I know you see this speed limit, fuck I look like getting a ticket" He responded as he kept driving on 30.

I rolled the window down and grabbed my gun. I shot all the camera's that I spotted. "Problem solved"

I heard him mumble something before going on 80. Deep down I was nervous mainly because if we tried anything we wouldn't come out alive considering there were 100+ niggas there. We had to be smart if we wanted to live.

We pulled up to the house and made sure we was strapped. No matter where we was going we made sure we had weapons. Khari stayed in the car because he nevered worked for our boss and he wanted to be prepared just in case we had to hurry up and drive out of here.

"We just gonna get straight to the point" I told them

"Nigga we know" Hadji mugged me as we went inside.

Everyone was watching us like they've never seen us before which made me feel some type of way. I wasn't sure if nigga's was planning an attack.

We went upstairs where his office was and I opened the door unphased by the gun being pointed to me.

"Damn Kacey what I tell you bout doing that shit" He crumbled as he sat the gun down. "Anyways, just because you killed her and her momma you get double pay" He stated. "All of you" He looked at us

He handed each of us a duffle bag filled with money. "200k, you guys are my best workers"

I chucked a bit. "See that's what we're here about"

"Whatchu mean?" He furrowed his eyes

"We don't wanna work for you no more, we want to start our own shit-"

"You think you better than me? I made all of you motherfuckers" He sat the glass cup on the table.

"We was already the shit before we met you nigga" Hadji mugged him. "Just be one hunnit, without us yo business wouldn't be shit"

"What makes you think imma let ya'll leave, why do ya'll want ya'll own-"

"We got a name in the game now so we can do that shit" I cut him off and he looked pissed.

"The answer is no, i'm not letting you guys leave the business" He said sternly

"Selfish ass, you know why you don't want us to go? Cause we making hella money for you and you don't want to lose that money by us making money for ourselves" Pablo chuckled bitterly. "It's cool though you win" He lied

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