~Your kinda hot mad~Tayler Holder

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You have a crush on your best friend Tayler and you live with him .
Your POV : Tayler comes back on his own after a football match with his friends
"hey tay" "y/n shut the fuck up not now" he yells "no need to shout jeez" you yell back "sorry I'm just stressed" "come talk about it" you pat a spot next to you on the couch "no I'm fine" "you sure?" "No because we lost the fucking match" "oh sorry to hear that" "that's all you have to fucking say?!" He screams "I tried to help and talk to you but you didn't fucking let me!" You scream back , he starts to pace around the kitchen so you get up and press him against the wall "uhm y/n what are you doing" "you know your kinda hot mad" you whisper while kissing his neck "y/n um are you-I don't think this is okay" "Well your boner says otherwise" you wink and start to leave hickeys on his neck "fuck your hot y/n" he moans "let's take this to the bedroom?" He says "fuck the bedroom let's do it in the living room" he flips you around so your against the wall and he kisses your neck and chest causing you to let out small moans . He holds out his arms "jump" you jump into his arms and he walks you both into the living room and places you on the sofa he takes of your shirt and pants leaving you in just your underwear and bra , you get on his laps and start to grind him "fuck baby girl" he moans and you grab his boner through his pants to tease him "princess don't tease" he whines and starts to kiss your chest and stomach "fuck Tayler ugh" he lays you down on the sofa and takes off your panties and starts to finger you "oh fuck Tayler" you say grabbing his hair "baby that's not my name" "daddy fuck" you moan out "that's more like it" he adds in another two fingers pumping faster in and out causing you to become a hot moaning mess he removes his fingers "cmon princess pleasure daddy" he smirks you get on your knees and start to give him head "who taught you how to be this good?" He says in between moans "Holy shit y/n I-I'm gonna cum" "do it" he comes in your mouth and you swallow you lay him down and get on top of him and you start making out , you bite his bottom lip and you knew it turned him on even more he flips you so he's on top while still kissing you and thrusts into you without any warning "HOLY SHIT TAYLER" "moan for me baby you know you want to" he whispers into your ear sexually while he thrusts into you harder "OH FUCK I-I AM GOING TO CUM DADDY" "go on then babygirl" you both reach your highs and you come on his dick and he comes inside you (your on birth control) and pulls out "damn princess your good" he says while kissing you again "ugh shit your so hot" you put on your clothes again and fall asleep cuddling

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