~Cheater~Nick austin

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Your boyfriend Kyle cheats on you so you breakup with him and text your best friend nick Austin
Your POV :
"KYLE HOW COULD YOU DO THAT I THOUGHT YOU FUCKING LOVED ME" you shout "IT WAS A MISTAKE" he shouts back "BUT YOU STILL DID IT YOU KNOW WHAT WE'RE DONE" you go and grab your phone and try to walk out his door but he grabs your wrist and pins you against the wall "GET THE FUCK OFF ME KYLE" "no" you kneed him in between his legs and run out of his apartment , it was raining and your house was half an hour away you text nick
                              Nick ❤️🧸
                                                       Hey can you pick
                                                                         Me up
Where are you and why
It's 10pm
                                                *sends location*Kyle
                                                Cheated on me and I
                                                 Tried to leave but he
                                               Grabbed my wrists so
                                         I kneed him in his crotch
                                                                     And ran
On my way go into
Starbucks so you don't get
Wet and I'll text you when
I'm here I'll be 15minutes
                                                 Okay thanks nick❤️

you smile and walk into Starbucks you order a drink so you don't look like a weirdo and wait for him to arrive , Avani your best friend told you that nick has feelings for you so you might ask him after 10 minutes you see him pull into the driveway , you walk out the door and into his car you give him a kiss on the cheek "thanks nick I wasn't wanting to walk half an hour in the rain" "yeah anytime" as you pull away from his cheek you saw him get hard . So he did like me? You pretend not to see and say "hey wanna chill at your place for a bit" "yeah cmon"
The drive back you were just talking and you pull up to his apartment "hey nick when we get inside can we talk?" You asks "yeah cmon" you walk inside and as soon as he shuts the door you kiss him "um y/n are you sure?" You nod and push him against the wall with your bodies touching you move down to his neck leaving hickeys as he lets out soft moans , you pull at his shirt and he takes it off and you remove yours too "let's go to my bedroom?" He asks and you nod he picks you up bridal style and enters the bedroom . He locks the door incase ryland comes home and lays you on the bed , he starts to give you hickeys down your stomach and neck "fuck nick" you whisper you climb on his lap and grind on him"oh fuck y/n"
You grab his bulge in his pants to tease him "y/n baby don't tease" he gets on top of you and removes your pants and underwear and you take off your bra and his boxers, he grabs a condom from his night stand and lines up with your entrance "you ready?" You nod and he thrusts into you "HOLY FUCK NICK" you moan out "fuck your tight" he groans thrusting into you harder "I-I'm going to cum nick" "me too" you both reach your highs and he collapses next to you "fuck" he says out of breath "so um what are we?" ..

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