~I need you~ Bryce Hall

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You've been with Bryce Hall for a month but you haven't done it yet and you share an apartment with him
Your POV: you facetimee Bryce as he's out with his friends and your feeling horny after 3 rings he answers (Bold is you normal is bryce)
~Hey princess
~baby where are you
~out with the boys why babe?
~come home I need you you smirk
~ I um I'm coming home now
~ see you soon daddy (but you whisper daddy)
He ends the call and you wait for Bryce to get home . After about 10minutes you hear the door go so you walk downstairs and see Bryce "hey princess" he smirks you don't say anything you just go up to him and start making out with him "missed me?" "Fuck me Bryce" you whisper and you feel him smirk onto your skin , he picks you up and carry's you into the bedroom you share . He softly pins you against the wall and because your bodies were touching you felt him getting hard on your pelvis you grab his boner through his pants to tease him and it works while also turning him on "babygirl if you tease me you know I'll punish you" "do it" he gently pushes you onto your bed and strips you leaving you fully naked and him in his boxers , he starts to leave kisses and hickeys all down your body causing you to moan "fuck Bryce" "just marking my territory babygirl" he says quietly As you run your fingers through his hair he takes three fingers and pumps them into you "Holy fuck Bryce" you shout in between moans "mamas that's not my name" he says as he pumps his fingers faster into you "Holy fuck daddy I'm going to cum!" You scream "do it baby" you release onto his fingers and he licks then came back up to your face kissing you. "Are you going to pleasure daddy baby?" You nod and get on your knees removing his boxers , your eyes widen at his 9inch cock and you start to kiss the tip and then start deepthroating him "fuck y/n your so hot" he says while groaning in pleasure you get back up and push him on the bed , you start to kiss down his body tracing his abs with your fingertip and leaving hickeys on his stomach and neck . You begin to ride him making his dick harder than what it already is he grabs your hips moving you up and down "damn this is hot" he moans he flips you both so he's on top "you sure you want to do this babe?" You nod and he kisses you while thrusting into you without warning "H-HOLY SHIT BRYCE" you throw your head back in pleasure "fuck your so tight kitten and I love it" he whispers in your ear while you dig your nails into his back "baby I'm going to cum" "okay count of 3" You nod "3...2...1..." You release on his dick and he releases inside of you  and he falls next to you "damn princess that's the best sex I've ever had" "me too bryce me too" You say both of you out of breath your thoughts were interrupted by Bryce getting a phone call he answers it and puts it on speaker "yo wassup josh" "I know you went home to fuck y/n now get back out" "sorry but she's too damn perfect imma have to go for a round two" he says hanging up the phone and kissing you he puts on his grey sweatpants but leaves his shirt off "you know I can see your dick outline in those sweats" "exactly why I am wearing them baby" you laugh and get dressed again

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