~Not in school~Ondreaz Lopez

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This is a lot like Tony's one but HOLY SHIT look at that picture 🥵
Your POV
You wait next to your locker for your boyfriend Ondreaz he was 15 minutes late so you ring him
"Baby where are you" "I'm on my way now princess tony overslept and he doesn't have a car so I had to wait" "hurry up I'm not going into class without you" "Okay bye I love you" "I love you too bye" you hang up the phone and sigh , you lean against your locker and wait for ondreaz "princess" he hugged you from behind so you turn around to be in his arms "missed me babe?" You nod your head and kiss him you bite his bottom lip and he smirks . No one was in the hallway because everyone was in class you felt him get hard on your pelvis "ondre why are you hard?" "Because I want you" He whispers in your ear "baby not in school come on we have science" you grasp his hand and pull him down the hallway , you walk into science "first off y/n , ondreaz why are you late?" "Because I didn't want to come back to this hell again" you say "second off stop holding hands were not at home" you look down at yours and ondreaz's hand and don't pull away "sit down for gods sake!" He shouts you and ondre laugh and sit down at your desk "ugh I've already had enough of him" you whisper to ondreaz "how about we get out of here?" He whispers back "how?" "Follow my lead" "sir me and y/n have to go" "and why is that?" He turns around "we gotta go fuck" "ONDREAZ LOPEZ" He shouts but ondreaz pulls you out of the classroom and down the halls , "ondre you little shit" you say giggling "what I had to be honest" he says pulling you out of school and pushing you against the wall kissing you. "Ondre not here baby" you say even though you wanted him "let's go to mine then" he whispers and you nod the car ride back was silent but it wasn't awkward , his hand was on your thigh the whole time making you wet you finally pull up to his house and you run in while he is locking his car and get to his bedroom before him "y/n where did you gooo?" He says dragging the 'O' "come find meee" you laugh as you hide behind his door , he walks up the stairs and into his room "BOO" you jump out and scare the living daylights out of him he laughs and you push him against the wall "so you want me huh?" You start kissing his neck and he nods his head "well have me" he starts to undress you and places you on the bed . You take off his shirt and pants and he removes your underwear and bra , he looks at you up and down before leaving kisses down your whole body . He removes his boxers and lines up with your entrance , he kisses you and thrusts into you "FUCK ONDRE!" You moan out "ugh y/n" "I-I'm going to cum baby" "me too" you feel him twitch inside of you so you release and so does he , you get on your knees and start to give him head "fuck y/n" he groans he comes and you swallow "let's get back to school?" Ondreaz says as he gets up "hold up I haven't marked my territory yet" you climb on top of him and leave hickeys down his neck and chest "haha Okay I get you now cmon let's get going" you get up and put your clothes back on "watch us get suspended or some dumb shit" you say as you climb into the car . You get to school "what about our hickeys Dre?" "Fuck it" you laugh and everyone is staring "okay we fucked wow big deal" you roll your eyes "carry on rolling your eyes they'll get stuck" a girl shouts "the fuck You just say to me?!" You turn around "Your boyfriends ugly!" She shouts and you hit her , she falls on the ground so you get on top of her "BABE STOP" ondreaz tries to pull you off "fucking talk shit on my Manz I'll knock your teeth out understand!?" You scream in her face and punch her causing her nose to bleed "o-okay I'm sorry" "yeah you fucking will be" you get up from her "fucking slag" you whisper "Y/N ONDREAZ MY OFFICE NOW" the principal shouts and you walk to his office not wanting to deal with his bullshit . You get to his office and sit down with ondre "why did you hit her and why did you leave school?" "I hit her because she was talking shit on me and ondreaz and I left because I can" "both of you suspended for 2weeks home now!" "Oh fuck off im not dealing with your bullshit right now sir" you walk out with ondreaz behind you "babe what was that all about" "I don't even fucking know myself okay?" "Cmon let's go home"

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