|1:Chosen losers

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Dedicated to all readers

«This is a pure work of fiction, I don't encourage plagiarism and it's an unedited work.»


The chime sound of the bell clanged, making students to dart into class settling down.

Julia was sitting in her seat with her other classmates; she did her normal routine - minding her own business, they were ought to have English that morning. Her friends were making a fuss, about having a free period.

The English teacher hadn't come and it was already twenty minutes into the class - another twenty to spear. Julia was a nerd, who loved her books and ever so oftenly hoped for the her teachers appearance - now ten minutes was left.

A man walked into the class, making them all to quiet down, and look at him with confused expressions.

It was the sports teacher Mr.Obai; maybe he was going to punish them all for their noise pollution? No one knew; their hearts were pounding - hoping for the best, with sweaty palms and pretense smiles they sat.

"Good morning, students." he greeted, between gritted teeth as he fumbled with his notepad, with eyes bloodshot red.

"Good morning, Mr.Obai." They gave their usual response. It was weak, but acceptable.

"The sports competition is approaching, but your principal had decided to add a few people to our sports participates." He said, scanning the room, while unwrapping his note.

"Joel will participate in the relay for his team," at his words a hunched back male shrinks in his seat, which makes his chair shift in response. He was never the jockey type - always the class shadow.

He continued, "Also Thelma will participate in long jump for her team,"

Some boos' were heard from aback, before Thelma could duck down, some pairs of eyes had met hers. Thelma was a slightly tall and black skinny girl.

He adeptly said, looking at her. "And finally our new participant, Julia for skipping race." his words were faint, and held allot of doubt.

"And if any of the new participates refuses to train, or comprehend, he or she will repeat this class."

Julia was a self conscious being; never practiced a sport in her eight years of life; although being fifteen, and now she was confined to a particular sport; skipping.

If not on cue, gasps were heard all around; small whispers here and there. It was a mystery on Julia's mind on why they were picking participates for the sports, it surely was the principals' hardy work, so she shrugged it off.

"Any questions?"

No one dared to speak up; neither smart talks nor crude jokes were heard - if did--they'd be sitting at the unwelcome chairs and freezing glares of the principal receiving an unwarranted preaching of the day.

The deadly silence of the class, and the cricking fan were enough to answer him.

He blinked twice flipping his notepad shut, and scanned the room again before walking out.


Julia had made little effort in convincing the sports teacher; he was like a loyal robot to the principal, waiting at every command from the him - even at his own risk. She was now standing inside his office were the schools sport equipments were kept.

"Mr.Obai please I'm not the right participate in skipping for my team" she begged," I will just go out there disgracing myself, and then will lose, please put someone else."

"Trust me if I could, I'd but my hands are tied, what you can only do is train," he said ''And don't come back begging." at that he slammed the door at her face chasing her out.

Now she had dropped the thought of begging both the principal and vice principal -- they both were had to convince either way, even by the brightest student.

She was deep in thought of what to do, as she matched down to the schools tuck shop to met up with her usual lunch mate - Delilah. Delilah had gone ahead of her in order to buy both their lunch.

It was a long walk from the sports teachers office to the tuck shop under the scorching sun. She hadn't noticed she was in the lunch queue until someone spoke up.

"So what are you going to do now?" Delilah asked, Knowing where she had been since break time began.

They both walked to an empty canteen seat nearby, away from the crowd of students queuing at the tuck shop. Dropping both their snacks as they sat to eat.

"I don't know...practice?" she said. It was a pressing decision but she had no choice.

"You practice?" a voice said out loud, making everyone tilt their heads across the room.

"There's a reason why nerds are nerds and jocks are meant to stay as they are,"

"Even if you practice, you’ll forever be a failure at sports." a girl, Mackenzie attacked her while others laughed - that was more than enough to smash Julia's little self-esteem.

They all sat in their Minnie groups devouring the lunch placed at their ply -- which was either brought from home or, bought in the schools tuck shop.

"She wasn't talking to you," Delilah snapped at her, then turned to Julia and asked, "so which sport did they put you in?"

Delilah played defense in their girls football team at school. She knew Julia inns and outs. They are cousins after all.

Julia cringed to the question been asked - shyly she answered anyway.


Julia had always dreamt of the skipping rope. Jumping to dodge the rope under ones feet - sweating with pleasure. she often skipped when she was younger, but stopped because of a nudging reason - still the memories were blissful till date. Delilah knew what Julia was thinking, but could only relate on another level.

"if I were you, I won’t participate" Delilah advised, and sipped her drink.

"Then I'd repeat SS2,"

"Tell your mother, and then change schools,"

"I can't," Julia said, checking around if anyone had heard her.

"Okay participate, but only practice would save your butt out there from humiliation."  Delilah remarked - nosey students nearby laughed at the remark. It wasn't a joke, but Julias' failure'd be.


The morning birds tweaked as the sun rays beamed; Julia stomped on the grasses outside depriving them of dew.

Saturday had come with an overwhelming task. Delilah had yet again, tried to pursue her to forfeit the competition but it all fell on deaf ears.

She had dogged out her old skipping ropes, and had practiced for fifteen minutes straight - which was very much frustrating. Her feeble muscles and sweat soaked body were melancholy longing for a bath and a nice warm nap - though giving up was an option; she couldn't. Skipping was not in her agenda which was why she needed help.

Mackenzie won't help her, but leave her with a bruised ego. Delilah would help, but was also a participant in two or more sport activities. In short, most of her friends were too busy to tutor her on sports.

Then it hit her; settling for her last option - the only person who'd never say no.



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