|9:Crime and letter

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Dedicated to Goldengrac1

The above picture's who I imagined Benjamin as, but you can imagine him as who ever you prefer. The picture's not clear n' I imagined him as a young version.

Just as he expected, It was cold and calm.

Immediately the door slid shut, Jessy's heart began beating fast. If possible that his heart would jump out of his chest any moment. It won't surprise him the slightest, and the depressing temperature of the air con was not helping matters, especially when he was wearing a short handed tee and his body hairs were saluting the air.

The room was a human freezer installed for the principal well being, while most of his classmates were in class suffering from excessive heat. The window blinds were down making the room slightly dim, but it didn't out shine the electrical light bulb.

"Sit down." he heard the principal say as he typed on his laptop; head buried underneath.

His voice seemed very intimidating with a splash of of authority wrecking in. who was he to disobey? At that, he slumped on one of the armchairs opposite the principal's oak desk. The man raised his head shutting down his laptop. His spectacles hung low at the bridge of his nose, He adverted his eyes from above his spectacles, eyes speaking otherwise. His head scraped clean. As if every single hair of his, had gone on vacation.

''Do you know why you are here?''

He furrowed his face in confusion, holding in a laugh. How would he know?

''Stupid questions people ask,'' he spat, throwing his legs on the principals' desk- crossing them, possibly the back of his shoe might be dirty, but who cares?

The principal looked at him with widen eyes. Wondering what in the world, could had gotten into teenagers these days.

''How should I know? You're the one that called me here na." he hissed. Stood up and left, slamming the door hard behind him.

Okay, that didn't happen, but Jessy had thought of saying that. He simply looked at the man and said, ''no, I don't.''

The man exhaled calmly, " You have been reported for bulling, gossiping and passing love letters." He sounded like a judge, but less cool and without his hammer, wig or robe.

A dumbstruck Jessy looked at the principal as he slides open his table drawer, and brings out a stack of letters, piling them erectly in different columns.

"Did you pass the letters?"

Maybe this was payback for reading those letters, and trespassing people's privacy, without a split thought of remorse.

He gulped,"yes."

He could had exposed the receivers, and their lovers. He knew each and everyone of them by name, after all he was a middle man for a reason. But he had been cornered.

"And spreading false gossip?"

A false accusation. Jessy couldn't understand why someone would gossip about others, then use his name to shield themselves. Maybe if he took the blame as a man-- a man at sixteen. The principal would pity him and let him go.

He swallowed,"Yes."

The man remained calm, then pushed on to deeper matters, "Did you bully joel?"

He exhaled heavily, " No...yes..." With a heavy heart he replied, admiring his fingers, anything, but the principal face. "In a way, yes and no."

The mans mood switched, furrowing his face in anger, he barked, " This school those not tolerate indisciplined students, and bulling."

So far, among the few statements they've exchanged, he couldn't believe this one. He's against bulling, but there're so many students at vestas that get bullied each day. He doesn't tolerate bulling, and Nathalia's still a student.

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