|11:An ugly queen

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Dedicated totummie07

The above picture's joel

"sport has the ability to change lifes" – by unknown

His eyes peered into hers, making her shift uncomfortably in her seat feeling slightly nauseated.

Why was he monitoring her? Was he making sure she practiced with the others, or did he like being weird? Did he watch her yesterday as well? when she fainted. And if he did, how could he allow a student get bullied and as a principal, he watched it unfold.

She had somehow-- not completely,  accepted the sudden change by the principal that in a few months from now, she'd be in a large crowd, skipping with the fate of either failing or winning.

She leaned into Ayo, afraid that the principal might overhear their converse, with her hands gripping his arm tightly, she asked lowly, “how long has he been watching me?”

“I don’t know, it’s now I noticed,” he replied, turning his gaze to the field.

She glanced back and asked, “Are you sure it’s me he's looking at?”

He Averts his eyes back, catching the principals gaze move from Julia, him and the field, then back at Julia. The principal exhales deeply, fraying his suit before sliding his window blinds down. Good radiance.

He removed her hands from his arm where her nails were already digging into his skin, he rubbed the mark roughly and replied, “positive.”

Still thinking, he looked at the field, rubbing his chin.

‘‘Secret obsession,’’ he said.


He raised a brow and asked, “Secret obsession, the movie you know it?’’

‘‘Only the trailer,’’ she replied.

‘‘At this moment your Jenny, ignorant of what’s going on,” He assumed, “He stalks your every movement, so, he can murder you quietly.’’

‘‘Right, that’s never going to happen, and her name’s Jennifer not Jenny’’  She disagreed.


With a questioned look, She asked,‘‘Did you watch the movie?

‘‘Nope, just the trailer’’ He admits, Averting his eyes at her.

‘‘Oh,’’ explains much

‘‘Why’re you not on the field, are you waiting for Daniel?” she questioned.

He exhaled heavily, “Its complicated,”

“Then tell me,”

He suggests, “I’ll tell you later,’’

She shrugged,‘‘okay.’’

‘‘Hey! Guys!’’ Delilah called from afar, her voice buzzed with glee as her pony tail bounced over her shoulder while she ascended the steps,‘‘I have an amazing news, Guess,’’ She beamed, joyfully.

‘‘The librarian just arrived,’’

‘‘You discovered a money tree,’’

‘‘no and no’’ she declined.

“Oh, then what?’’ Julia asked on.

‘‘I’m our house queen!’’She announced, smiling wholeheartedly as she sat in between the two.

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