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-Oikawa has made a chat-
-Oikawa has added, Yaku, Lev, Makki, and Mattsun to the chat-
-Oikawa has renamed the chat to 'Therapy'-

Oikawa- okay lets get down to business

Mattsun- what is this?

Yaku- I'm so confused

Lev- therapy?

Oikawa- yes because Mattsun, you've made a big mistake. And Yaku and lev... I'm gonna try to help you guys out with your relationship

Lev- no He didn't want to be with me so I don't wanna be with him

Yaku- lev...

Lev- no Yaku it's not fucking fair...

Oikawa- hey. Hey.. lev it's okay alright?

Lev- ....fine I'll listen

Oikawa- okay so which of you guys want to go first

Mattsun- mistake? Wtf did I do? And where's makki?
We were supposed to meet after school but he never showed

Oikawa- Mattsun and makki first than

Mattsun- answer my question Oikawa

Oikawa- makki is with me

Mattsun- wtf why

Oikawa- ...

Makki- you really gonna question it like you didn't do anything earlier that could have made me mad?

Mattsun- makki wtf are you talking about

Oikawa- Mattsun

Mattsun- what?

Oikawa- this is a calm chat understand? Don't yell at him.

Lev- hes baby.

Yaku- I-... okay

Oikawa- makki is baby

Mattsun- you guys stfu

Makki- ...

Oikawa- Mattsun would you like to ask makki what you did?

Mattsun- oikawa I'm not playing these games
Makki talk to me in our private chat
Why tf you need to bring Oikawa in on it

Oikawa- Mattsun

Makki- because! Your gonna yell at me... so I'm not talking to you unless he is here too

Mattsun- fine what the fuck ever

Makki- ....

Mattsun- ....what did I do?

Makki- did you meet Jessica after school?

Mattsun- makki

Makki- answer the damn question Matsukawa

Mattsun- okay yes I did...

Makki- okay. And what were you two doing when you met?

Mattsun- talking?

Makki- your such a liar Mattsun...

Mattsun- makki

Makki- no Mattsun.. I saw you kiss her okay?

Mattsun- I didn't... she kissed me

Makki- and you kissed back Mattsun...

Mattsun- makki..

Makki- if you want to be with a girl just tell me...
You could've just told me...
I wouldn't have been mad Matsukawa...
I'm not gonna force you to be something your not

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