Private Lifes 6 (Bokuaka)

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You're welcome for this okay? Okay :) but the second hand embarrassment is real 😅

Update- I just fucking read In Another Life-

I'm so not fucking okay...

-Bokuto and Akaashi Private Chat-

Akaashi- you really want Kito to come with tonight?
I mean...
we're already inviting Kuroo and kenma

Bokuto- yup

Akaashi- it was supposed to be just us :(

Bokuto- trust me babe it'll be just us afterward
Plus Kito really wants to go

Akaashi- he's a child he doesn't know any better

Bokuto- baby

Akaashi- :(
I just wanted to be alone

Bokuto- okay okay. How about tn we go with them and tmr I'll convince Kuroo to watch Kito so we can go alone

Akaashi- nu it's okay...
I don't wanna be a burden

Bokuto- to bad I already asked


Bokuto- you'll be screaming that later tonight

Akaashi- 👁👄👁

Bokuto- :)

Akaashi- in the words of Teru

Bokuto- I love you

Akaashi- yeah?

Bokuto- yeah
A lot

Akaashi- pfftttt

Bokuto- I'm sorry invited Kuroo and Kenma

Akaashi- it's okay

Bokuto- well... I feel bad now

Akaashi- don't Baby it's okay
I really don't mind

Bokuto- I'll give you extra attention tmr okay

Akaashi- kou it's okay

Bokuto- idcccccc

Akaashi- uhhhhhhh

Bokuto- 🔪 cause I said so

Akaashi- 🧎< you 🏌️< me

Bokuto- 👌 < you 👈 <me

Akaashi- 😑

Bokuto- whaaaaa

Akaashi- no

Bokuto- big sad

Akaashi- yeah well
To bad

Bokuto- 👉👈😔

Akaashi- bo...

Bokuto- yeah?

Akaashi- I love you too

Bokuto- I know Keiji

Akaashi- oki well I just wanted to say it

Bokuto- okay honey :)

Akaashi- I gotta get Kito ready

Bokuto- okay princess

Akaashi- pfft see you soon?

Bokuto- of course

-Akaashi POV-

"Wait Kito." Kenma pouted reaching over Kuroo to take his switch away. Kito grunted softly but otherwise, waited for Kenma to fix what he had done wrong. Since he was still leaning over Kuroo, Kuroo smirked up at us and placed his hands on Kenmas waist. "Babe I'll kill you don't do it."

I giggled along with Bokuto who was sitting next to me. He's been pretty silent this entire time. I'm beginning to think he's in one of those depressive moods. But for some reason, I just can't read him and it's really ticking me off. I mean, I can always read him so why not now?

Kenma finished what he was doing and got Kito back on his game before sitting back in his seat. He got Kito addicted to that damn thing. Which isn't bad I guess but now we're gonna need to get him his own. He would love that. He always complains when Kenma takes it away at night.

Bokuto leaned his chin on my shoulder. I pulled away and turned to him. "You okay?"

He was frowning but nodded. "Do you love me?"

I smiled and grabbed his cheeks with both my hands. "Of course." We kissed passionately his hand teasing my thigh under the table. I squeezed my legs together causing him to chuckle as he pulled away. I blushed softly and looked down at the table.

The table was silent for a moment. Kenma and Kuroo were both on their phones, no doubt texting each other because they kept looking at each other and smiling. Kito was playing the switch and Bokuto was humming to the music playing through the speakers.

I noticed that near the end of the song, the music was getting slightly louder. I looked up at Bokuto to see him blushing intensely and taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" I asked as the song ended.

Bokuto closed his eyes. The next song began to play. "I'm hurtin baby." He sung along with the music that got louder. Kuroo looked up at us. 

"I'm breaking down." Bokuto continued, his voice getting louder. I opened my mouth to tell him to stop but he began to stand up. "I need you're lovin."

Kuroo stood up as well. "Lovin I need it now." Kuroo pulled kenma up spinning him in his arms.

"When I'm without ya," Bokuto offered me a hand. I took it. "I'm something weak."

I stood up and faced him with a blush. The whole restaurant was looking in our direction with a smile. "You got me begging."

"Begging, I'm on my knees." Kuroo said from the side, getting down to one knee in front of Kenma. Kenma just giggled offering Kuroo his hand with his ring on it. Kuroo kissed the ring softly looking up at him with absolutely delight.

Bokuto hand touched my cheek drawing me back to him. " I don't wanna be needing you're love," He twirled me. "I just wanna be deep in you're love." He I fell back into his arms, he leaned down, dipping me as if we were professional salsa dancers. 

"And it's killing me when you're away." His lips came so close to mine. I wanted to reach up and kiss him to get him to shut up. My heart was racing with embarrassment but I was also intrigued. "Ohh baby.."

His husky voice coulda brought me to my knees. But I didn't have enough time to actually think about it because he pushed me up again to continue singing.

"Cause I don't really care where you are, I just wanna be there where you are."  He pulled away from me climbing onto the chair, his eyes never leaving mine. "And I gotta get one little taste."

He climbed onto the table, Kuroo handing him a mic. "Your Sugar!" He sang, the people around the restaurant laughing and cheering him on. "Yes please!"

He pointed at me singing as loud as he could. "Won't you come and put it down on me."

"I'm right here!" He touched his hand to his chest. "Cause I need, little love and little sympathy."

Kuroo and Kenma where behind him dancing all over each other and at one point, Kito had gotten up and joined them, his little feet dancing to his fathers voice.

"You show me good loving. Make it alright." He jumped down from the table in front of me. "Need a little sweetness in my life."

He slowly started to drop to one knee, his breath staggered. "Your sugar.." he placed the mic to the side of him. "Yes please.."

He pulled out a ring and stared up at me. I covered my mouth, my eyes watering with tears. "Akaashi Keiji, will you marry me?"

I nodded quickly offering him my hand. He sighed with relief sliding the beautiful ring onto my finger. The people around us cheered. Once the ring was on my finger, Bokuto stood up pulling me into his arms and spinning me around. I held onto him tightly giggling and crying into his shoulder.

Sjuwkeosmejmsjeiwjdhkrr boom. ✨

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