Theater Sex 😅

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-Oikawa POV-

Haijime opened the door for me as if I was incapable of doing it myself. I know he's only doing it because he made me mad in the car. Granted it was just one of our petty little arguments, I still want to be mad at him. His fault, he shouldn't have called my alien plushie ugly. It's prettier then him.

I rolled my eyes as I walked past him into the theater. I heard him sigh, annoyed with my childish ways. Not like he was going to do anything about it though. Not yet, in public anyway, we quit that back in college. We got caught in the bathroom by the janitor after school hours. But that's a whole other story I do not want to get into. I'd rather not explain why I was bent over the counter in a skirt. (I snorted writing that btw😂)

Everyone else was already here, well everyone that could make it. Unfortunately Akaashi and Bokuto could not. They had an appointment with their surrogate. Which is understandable. Yaku and Lev also couldn't make it. Yachi had a doctors appointment and Lev didn't want to miss it. Yaku just follows Lev anywhere. In my opinion they should just have a threesome but ya know, not my business.

For the ones that could make it, I promised I'd buy their tickets. So keeping my promise, I moved to the counter. Ordering a shit load of tickets at once surprised the man working the counter. "That's a lot. You someone sugar daddy or something?" He laughed.

I giggled. "Something like that."

To my left, was Terushima and Kyotani. Kyotani was ordering some food while Terushima stood behind him, his arms circling around Kyo waist. He saw me staring and smiled. I nodded and smiled back. I'm surprised those two actually made it out tonight.

After what happened at dinner last time, I was scared Kyotani hadn't wanted to be around everyone anymore. Especially if Tendou was going to be here. I mean that's how I would've been. And I was like that for sometime after I learned Haijime kissed Kyotani in highschool. I would purposely fuck up my toss so he'd miss the ball. I will never admit that out loud though.

Speaking of Tendou, he and Semi where standing near the picture booth, Tanaka and Noya with them as well. Noya and Semi were taking pictures together while Tendou and Tanaka talked about god knows what. I made a mental note to take a group picture with everyone before we left.


I turned my head to look back at the young man. He handed me my tickets. "Sorry it took so long. Our thingy thing is slow."

"Thingy thing?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly. He blushed embarrassed and turned his head. He had a tattoo on the side of his neck. A feather that stretched up to beneath his ear. I cleared my throat causing him to look back up at me. "Popcorn?" I questioned.

His eyes went wide. "Oh right! I'm so sorry." He scratched his head. "How many?"

I glanced around. Figuring every couple gets their own. Right? That should work. I took an extra glance at Terushima and Kyo who were stuffing their faces with nachos. Terushima purposely making a mess on the side of Kyo cheek so he could lick it off.

I shook my head with a soft chuckle. "Um. 6." I said handing him my credit card. He nodded only charging me for 5 saying mine was on the house before handing me back the card. He's sweet really, he could be my type but he's not iwachan. Wait did he see the ring on my finger?

As if knowing I was thinking of him, Haijime grabbed my waist pulling my back side toward him. I snorted and laid my head back on his shoulder. "Hi." He whispered kissing my ear.

"Hey." I locked my hands over his, squeezing his fingers in my own. "Get bored over there?"

He nodded. "Kenma and Hinata are talking bout a video game. Kuroo trying and failing to join the convo. Kags is silent."

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