Courtivia - Voice of an Angel

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Olivia, Keith, Shayne, and Noah entered the club, quickly finding Ian and Anthony, who waved at them frantically, from a table near the stage.

"Hey!" Ian greeted them as they all sat down. "You guys made it!".

"Of course they did!" Anthony replied snarkily for the newcomers. "What did you think they were gonna do, get lost? Die? Or worse, leave us hanging?".

"I mean, I thought about it," Shayne pretended to whisper under his breath, and Olivia chuckled quietly as Ian pretended to be super offended.

"Woooow Shayne, fake friend much?!"

"Woooow Ian, bad bowl cut much?!" Shayne shot back.

"Everybody makes mistakes, Mr 'Terrible at Dating'. At least my one was temporary!"

Shayne pretended to stab himself in the stomach and Anthony shook his head disappointedly, rubbing his temple with his middle and index fingers at Ian and Shayne's stupid joking around.

"We run and star in a largely popular group comedy channel on the world's biggest streaming platform and this is the best they can do..." he said to Olivia, loud enough for the two men to hear. Olivia supressed the urge to laugh as Ian and Shayne turned to Anthony in mock anger.

"I'd like to see you do better!" Shayne challenged.

"Yeah, bitch!" Ian added, backing Shayne up as the two ganged up on Anthony.

"Oh please, I could shit all over you two,"

Both other men opened their mouths to say something back but Noah, to end the useless argument, nudged Keith, who had his earphones in and motioned for him to take them out.

"The poster outside said the live band will start playing in about 10 minutes," he announced to the group before adding; "Does anyone want a drink?". Anthony shook his head, holding up his already empty glass. Both Shayne and Ian nodded and before pausing to think for a moment, Keith said;

"Just get me a coke,"

Noah nodded. "Liv?"

Olivia didn't reply, something had caught her eye in her periphery, and she had turned to see a magnificent goddess walk out onto the stage.

She had long straight blonde hair that looked like spun gold in the dimmed lighting and flowed gently like a waterfall over her shoulder as she leant down to set up an amp. As she stood up and scanned the crowd, her green eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement, and Olivia practically got lost in them, comparing them to beautiful emeralds a rich lady would wear around her neck. Her simple black singlet top exposed her defined collar bone and blemish free skin. She wore black tracksuit pants and subtly adjusted the waistband, smiling at one of her other band members as they walked onto the stage carrying an electric drumkit. Her soft facial features only enhanced her natural beauty and pulled Olivia in even more. Olivia felt someone nudge her and broke out of her entranced state.


"I was just asking if you wanted a drink," Noah said to her, raising an eyebrow as the rest of the boys watched Olivia for her answer.

"Uhhh, no thanks, I'm designated driver," she replied distractedly, still trying to watch the girl on stage as she set up more equipment for the band's performance. Confused, Noah and the rest of the boys followed her gaze and quickly shared excited glances with each other as they saw the girl and Olivia's reaction to her.

"Wow," Keith said slyly. "She's kinda pretty, don't ya think so Liv Liv?"

"Pretty? Dude, she's freaking stunning," Olivia replied subconsciously before realising what she said and hurriedly saying; "I-I mean, yeah, I guess,".

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