Shaymien - Improv

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This particular one shot was requested by 23minerva.

Damien Haas looked up at the theatre, which loomed above him, blocking the sun from his eyes. As he pushed open the heavy glass door, his eyes scanned over the pamphlet he had in his hand.

"Improv classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm to 3pm," he murmured to himself as he read it aloud. He checked the name of the theatre again to make sure he was in the right place and glanced around the lobby. Not many people were there, just a few couples, most noticeably a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes with glasses and a short Asian girl with long black wavy hair that tumbled down her back who were talking over at the waiting area. There were also some people standing alone, like the tall black guy with glasses and a multicoloured cap who smirked at something on his phone from a stool at the bar. Damien didn't recognise anyone, but they all looked serious and excited about the class. He bit his lip, second guessing whether him taking the class without any friends or anyone he knew was a good idea or not and went to turn to leave when someone bumped into him. Both parties went crashing to the floor, Damien dropping his phone and flyer and the other person dropping a book on improvising, a laptop, and a pamphlet identical to Damien's as their hands whipped out in front of them to stop their fall. Damien lost his bearings for a moment as he hit the floor. He grimaced as he glanced at his phone and saw a spiderweb of cracks spreading over the screen from the drop.

"Hey!" Damien protested at the unknown person before him, gathering up his phone and pamphlet. He touched the other person's rough calloused hand as they both gathered up their belongings and looked up for the first time to examine the perpetrator. What he saw immediately took his breath away.

Before him kneeled the hottest guy Damien had ever seen. And he meant; HOT. Short straight messy blonde hair swept across his forehead and below it, the brightest, bluest eyes Damien had ever seen stared back at him, concerned, and rocking Damien to his very soul. A strong chiselled jawline was squared and set as the man rubbed his neck self-consciously and large defined muscles bulged beneath his simple grey tee and out the sleeves. Damien could almost count the ab creases on his abdomen, practically drooling at the sight. The guy grinned sheepishly as he continued to gather his stuff and his perfect white teeth basically blinded Damien, who suddenly felt very insecure and like he was in high school again, gossiping with his friends about who liked who and blushing profusely when anyone good looking ever looked his way.

"Man, I'm so sorry!" the man said apologetically, offering his hand to help Damien up. His voice was loud and clear, but also smooth and the slightest bit husky, making it the sexiest voice Damien had ever heard. Stunned and a little entranced, Damien took his hand and was quickly hauled to his feet, still staring.

"Uhhh, yeah, all.... all good dude, sorry for sna- um, snapping, I was caught, um, caught by surprise," he said, fumbling over his words as he struggled to talk to this hot stranger and feeling a hot violent flush creep up his neck. The stranger smiled, then saw Damien's cracked phone in his hand and swore.

"Oh shit, did I do that too?! I'm really sorry, I'll buy you a new screen protector,"

", really. Its fine. This phone was.. was old any..anyway," Damien replied, trying to calm his frantically beating heart and actually speak. The stranger smiled at him, a big, wide, warm smile and chuckled quietly, a deep throaty chuckle that became high pitched towards the end as he chuckled a little louder.

People in the theatre lobby started looking over at the two boys, including the young brown-haired boy with glasses and the short Asian girl that stood in the waiting area.

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