Chapter 16

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As the sun dropped lower below my sightline, I finally felt at peace with the world. I felt as if something good had come for once.


Basking in the warm orange rays of the sun, I carefully shuffled closer to Ace. As I did so, I thought about how wrong this was, about how I shouldn't be doing this. We seemed so close, he had just exited a relationship. But weren't we just friends? What was I doing? I mentally cursed at how ridiculous I was being, at the thoughts rushing through my head. Why did this always happen? Every single time I end up overthinking everything. Why am I like this?
Frost noticed the sudden change in my position. It seemed as if he didn't mind, though, which was good.
I gently rested my head on his shoulder, gazing at the view below.
I soon became lost in my thoughts; thinking about anything and everything. I had zoned out for such a while that it was night before I snapped back to reality.
The inky black sky was littered with thousands if tiny glowing stars, giving the same effect of white paint splatters against black card.
This only gave indication to how much time had passed, hours it seemed. I knew this because as I glanced skyward, I saw a huge silvery moon above, the same position it would be in at midnight.
To my left, I saw Jack Frost, who had seemingly fallen asleep against the mossy tree trunk. How adorable.
"Hey Frost, wake up. Let's go home." Delicately, I whispered in his ear.
His eyes fluttered open, dazed. It took a few seconds for him to register exactly where he was.
"Sure, give me a second." Ace responded, voice laden with a sleepy dreariness.
Once more we scrambled down the tree trunk, landing with a soft thud at the bottom.
Aware of our surroundings, we treaded our way back through the dark forest, eventually returning back home.


That night Frost stayed at mine again. And for the next night, and the night after that. A few weeks had passed since the incident, all of which Ace decided to stay. The only reason he went home was for essentials; clothes, toothbrush, phone charger.
I sat on my worn leather sofa, struggling to do my homework. Usually I did the work in flying colours, but it was maths. So I wasn't passing it in flying hues of the rainbow. To be frank, it was a dark muddy brown hole. I sat alone in it  with the homework, practically dying inside.
"Frost!" I called out, quite loudly. I startled myself by the decibel of my voice. "Please can you help me with this. Maths is your strong point."
"Sure just give me a second."
"Thank you so much, you really are a life saver."
Ace walked over, taking his time.
"What are you talking about? This is easy. Here, try using this method..." As usual I became lost in his voice. The deep husky pitch, the way it growled slightly, how it resonated though the room. Wait, why was I getting caught up in this? I shouldn't be thinking this.
The inner battle continued until Jack Frost pulled me from my thoughts.
"Jade, you listening? I'm not explaining this again."
"Sorry, it's all very confusing. I don't get it. I give up. I'm going to die alone with no maths knowledge." I dramatically wailed. This had become a regular occurrence, after not being able to do anything on the first attempt.
"You'll get there. Tell you what, let's take a break, go for a walk. Let the air seep into your lungs." Ace proposed. It wasn't such a bad idea, but the phrasing was just all kinds of wrong.
"Okay, let's go."

The Notes From "M" (COMPLETED - UNDER REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now