{13}"So you don't mind what house I'm in?"

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19 year's later:

3rd person

It was 20 minutes until the Hogwarts express leaves. Harry along with Draco, were guiding their children down Kings Cross to platform 9¾.

They had a girl and two twin boys. The girl was the youngest. Her name was Narcissa, although everyone calls her Cissa, Luna Potter-Malfoy. She had blond hair with one fleck of brown in it and mat green eyes. They were exactly like Harrys but the green was not so vivid.

The twins were one year older than Cissa. One of there named was Scorpius Sirius Potter-Malfoy. He had hair from Draco. The plain, slick, blonde hair. His eyes were also from Draco. Just a bit darker. Basically, he's a smaller replica of Draco.

The over twin was called Albus Severus Potter-Malfoy. He was a replica of Harry this time. Yet his hair was not as... wiled. It was better kept. Mostly because of Draco.

They were walking peacefully till they got to the wall. First Scorpius went with Draco. They disappeared into the wall in a swift movement. Then Harry went with Albus but he then hesitated. Albus didn't move just staring at the wall with a hesitant look.

Harry looked at him reassuringly and with a questioning look at the same time.

"Dad, what if I get sorted into Slytherin?" He looked up to make Harry's gaze.

"Your Papa was in Slytherin and I still love him."

"So you don't mind what house I'm in?"

"Of course not. That way or the other, all houses are amazing in there own way."

At that, they ran through the wall. They saw Draco talking to Ron and Hermione whilst walking over to them.

After a while, the train was about to leave so the children got on. The parents sat there still waving to their children until they were long gone.

"What house do you think they'll get to? I personally hope it'll be Sssslytherin!" He whispered into his lovers ear.

Harry playfully nudged him and kept on looking on at the express already far departed, but still slightly visible...



Yes, this is the end. I know it's bad and such but I really had no motivation what so ever and wanted to get the book out of the way.

I might do a sequel... But then again I'm still writing 'To Fix The Broken' and I'm in a poetry contest AND I'm writing a Christmas Drarry story (which won't be out for a while so don't get excited) AND I'm thinking to wright a Jeverus/Wolfstar fanfic.

Question: long or short nails? Long, even if they're hard to live with.

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