Chapter 31: How Can You Do This?

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As I entered Ike's room I saw the unthinkable... It was Link on top of Marth on the bed and Marth was shirtless... I was speechless.

Marth: Oh uhh hey Roy!!

Link didn't say anything he just looked at me. All I did was run out of Ike's room in tears I'm such a cry baby but why did Link do that to me? I thought he loved me? We just started going out an hour ago!! I knew it he still loves Marth and was probably gonna have sex with him right now since both of them were on the bed and Marth was shirtless. Just think Roy right now would be a perfect time for Link to do Marth since Rosalina is gone. I knew it I was an DISTRACTION!!

*Before the hangout*

Link POV

That was intense I almost did all those things to Roy without his will. Thats kind of like rape haha but still I shouldn't have walked out on him like that but I just want to get out and catch some air.. Until I saw a figure laying on the floor as I got closer it was.. Marth on the ground bleeding

Link: Marth!! Are you okay?

Marth: I can't get up... Dark Pit stabbed me on the shoulder and its throbbing and bleeding and I feel like passing out...

Link: Marth!! I gotta take you home where's your room?

Marth: Just down the hall

I grabbed Marth and carried him until we got to his room and set him down on the bed

Link: Marth you have to take off your armor so I can treat your wound

Marth: Ok... OWW

Link: Whats a matter just take your armor off!!

Marth: He stabbed my shoulder and I can't move it how do you expect me to take my armor off?!?

Link: Oh sorry I'll take it off for you.. I have a healing potion that'll do the trick!!

I managed to get on top of him and spread the potion all over his shoulder

Marth: OWW... Link it burns!!

Link: Just trust me Marth it'll work

Marth: Ugh It hurts Link I can't take it

Link: Just hold it in Marth

Marth: ...

Link: Marth...

Marth: Yea Link?

Link: I'm sorry

Marth: Huh? For what?

Link: When you confessed to me (Chapter 8) I laughed at you I shouldn't have laughed at you Marth I was just laughing because you looked so cute when you confessed to me. But now your with Rosalina...

Marth: Link I wan--

*Door Opens*

It was Roy.

Marth: Oh uhh hey Roy!!

But Roy just ran out of the room.

Link: How is your wound?

Marth: Well it doesn't burn anymore and I can finally move my arm!! Thanks Link!! Oh and about your apology... I wan--

Ike: Hey the party starts now WOOHOO!!

Pit: OH YEA!!

Ike: Oh are we interrupting something?

Marth: No uhh Link was just healing my wound!!

Pit: Oh sorry about what Pittoo did to you he's really aggressive haha.

Ike: But were all fine right? Haha Link you should join our party how about it?

Link: Sure I just gotta go get something.

I have to find Roy.

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