Part Thirty

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                  CHAPTER THIRTY
       “Do you know how much you and your boyfriend have cost us?”
She tried to control her body from shaking but could not. The more she moved inside the bed, the more he came closer and his facial expression was changing. It was as if her fear was making him excited.
“Girls are very pretty when they are like this” he said closing up the remaining space.
“Now that your boyfriend is dead, how do we celebrate it?” he asked smiling.
“He is not dead” she replied.
“He wouldn’t have allowed us to get close, he would have attacked us using his cameras.” His smiles turned to a smirk.  
She tried moving back while shaking her head but her back hit the wall. There was nowhere to run to, there was no escape. He raised his hand to touch her cheek but her hand hit him on the face. She had already hit him before she realized what she had done.
“Oh you want it rough. I like rough.”
Before she could react to his statement, he pushed her roughly and she found herself lying on her back. Her clothes were being torn. She had not even noticed she was wearing a different long-sleeved shirt, until the man roughly tore it from her body exposing her breast.
“No please, please, I’m a virgin, please, don’t do this.” She fought and begged.
But the eyes of the man she was begging showed that he did not hear a word of her pleading, and he did not feel she was struggling. Her night gown was already torn and it was very easy for him to remove the remaining pieces. The only thing left was her undies.  She had never been this exposed to any man.
“Wow, so this is what Jason had been enjoying. No wonder he would do anything for you” he said as he tried pulling off her remaining covering.
She should give up struggling, her shoulder was on fire, and she would not win but would get hurt if she kept struggling but she could not. She could not let this man touch her, she would rather be dead. In the midst of her struggle she remembered Mum’s favorite quote. Why her mind said it, her mouth pleaded with the man. She held on to her last dignity and tried kicking him with her legs. 
  After putting in her best, she was overpowered and just when her remaining covering was about to be ripped off, she saw the man’s back hitting the wall. Somebody else appeared in place of him. It was not Jason, it was Dark Prince. He was wearing a jacket with hood. He removed the hood, took just a glance at her before turning to the man at the wall.
“Tamed” the man said.
There was raw fear boldly written on his face.
“Andrew” Tamed replied.
“What are..” Andrew stammered.
“Civilians must be protected, but women come first. That’s rule number one. For breaking that rule I Justice Obinna will carry out the punishment.”
“You left long ago.”
Tamed did not respond but moved closer to Andrew.
“Like you protected your own woman” Andrew said.
He was no longer emitting fear, it looked like he was looking for a way to distract Tamed. His gun was lying on the floor, he might not be able to get to it but there should be more weapons with him.
It worked, because Tamed’s body movement changed. Tamed rushed at him.  That was the distraction Andrew was looking for. Andrew brought out a knife from his pocket, it started glowing after he pressed something on the blade. He dodged Tamed’s blow, then attacked Tamed with the glowing knife.  She tried screaming but no sound came out from her mouth.
Tamed easily dodged the weapon. He took hold of Andrew’s right hand which had the weapon and bent it. She literally heard his bone break. Andrew’s scream was like that of a wounded animal.  Tamed took the weapon from him. Picked him up like he had no weight and threw him to the wall.
“For breaking the most important rule of the Special Force, you are not fit to live” Tamed said moving towards a groaning Andrew, the glowing knife in his hand.
“No please, Tamed, don’t, Tamed nooo” Andrew screamed.
She shouldn’t have watched, but her eyes refused to stop looking at what was happening to Andrew. Tamed used the knife to pass through Andrew’s throat. Within seconds his head was out of his body.
Blood was everywhere. The dead body was still shaking and her eyes refused to stop looking at the man who almost raped her. She should feel sorry for him but she felt nothing. Maybe she had seen so much that she could not feel again.
Someone was calling her name. But she must not stop looking at Andrew. There was a possibility it was all faked and he would rise up and come back to finish what he started. If she continued looking, she would be able to see him coming back. That was the only way she could escape another assault from him. The person calling her name had stopped but someone was touching her. It was okay, as long as it was not Andrew. The person was not trying to hurt her, the person was even being careful. The blood was almost covering everywhere in the room. When was Andrew going to put his body together? She must watch and wait, she would not be deceived.
“Cindy. Look at me. Hey, you are in shock, but you need to come back now. Jason your Fiancé needs back-up. We have to move now” the person said.
  “Jason” she said finally taking her eyes from Andrew to the person who called Jason’s name. Her mind told her Jason was now more important.
“Good, you can now hear me. Jason needs us to help save Faceless, your supposed uncle.”
It was not a person, it was Dark Prince. But how was he in the room where Andrew was about to rape her? She looked away from Dark Prince and saw Andrew’s head and body. Dark Prince turned her away from the body.
“Don’t look at him. You are still afraid, he will never hurt you again. We need to go now. Can you walk?” Dark Prince asked.
She raised her head and looked at Dark Prince. He was a bit far away when she had seen him the other day, but he was very close now. He was kneeling close to the bed. His eyes were red, but that was not what caught her attention. It was red and empty. She could not fathom how she knew, but that was what she saw. The emptiness she saw was pulling at her, she could almost empathize with him.
“Can you walk?” he asked again.
Was that gunshots? Something told her there had been gunshots before Dark Prince entered the room but she had been too distracted to notice.
“Yes, I think so” she answered standing up.
She sat back immediately. She had forgotten she was naked. She tried covering her breast with her hands but touched clothes. It was a male black T-shirt. It was way past her knees. It should belong to George. He was very tall. But how did she put it on?
“Let’s go” Dark Prince said moving to the door.
She followed him as she tried to remember wearing the black T-shirt.
The shootings that seemed to have stopped started again just when Dark Prince got to the door. She started going back.
“Don’t. Stay behind me” Dark Prince said.
He walked out into the war zone and she had no choice but to follow his instruction.

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