Part Twenty Three

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                        It was the voices of people that pulled her out of the dark. She opened her eyes and discovered she was still in the same room, still on the same bed, although it looked like the bed sheet had been changed. Even the black long-sleeved was still on her. Her torn night gown was still intact. There was a bandage where Faceless cut her. A drip was flowing into her body through her left hand.  But the pain was still there. 
“Are you sure you can deal with this Nick alone. I read that file you gave me and those people seem dangerous?” the man asked.
“Ebuka I’m not going to handle him alone because you are coming back. You must come back” Faceless said holding the shoulders of the man.
“Of course. I won’t allow a stupid company destroy our years of struggle. Just make sure you are still alive when I come back.” the man responded.
She tried standing up but screamed as she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. Faceless was beside her almost immediately.
“Cynthia, Thank God you are back” he said gently raising her up.
“It hurts” she said as she rested her head on Faceless' shoulder.
“Ebuka can you give her the pain relief shot now?” Faceless asked.
“She is still weak, she needs to first eat a little food” Ebuka said bringing out a flask from the box.
Faceless took it from him and opened it. It was jollof rice.
“Cynthia, you need to eat fast, so he can give you an injection to stop the pain. We are running out of time."
She took the spoon and started eating while Faceless held the flask. She ate not because she was hungry but because she really needed the pains to stop. There was a long silence. After some spoonful of rice, she raised her head to see what Ebuka was doing. A part of the wardrobe was opened. It had a lot of weapons neatly and well arranged. He was mounting weapons, some he kept in a back bag. Amongst the weapons was a local bomb. She knew it was a bomb because she had watched it in movies. It was in form of a calabash shape, black and very small, it exploded once the tip was opened. She suddenly lost appetite.
“What’s is going on?” she asked Faceless.
“Cynthia, eat your food.”
“At least you can tell me something. You keep changing..” she could not finish her statement as tears started flowing again.
“You are going to meet Jason.”
“Jason said you are not safe here. I needed something that will make your escape reasonable.”
“By hurting me?”
Faceless did not answer immediately. He looked like he was in pains.
“I’m sorry, I needed a reason to bring Ebuka here. Nick has to believe I hurt you and Ebuka escaped with you after seeing what I did to you. I need to protect my men. I can’t be placed in a position where I will have to choose between you and my men. I am going to live with what I did to you. I won’t forgive myself.”
Men don’t cry, she had never seen Jason cry. Even when Mum and Dad died, Jason did not shed any visible tears. But this man she had been afraid of, was crying. Looking at him alone, she could tell his tears went beyond the injuries he inflicted on her. She wished she could do something about it, it was very disturbing.
“I’m set Faceless” Ebuka said.
Faceless did not respond, he was staring at the wardrobe. Ebuka removed the drip from her hands.
“I’m pleased to meet you Cynthia. Faceless have said so much about your mother. I have seen her picture and you are the exact replica of her.”
She was too concentrated on what Ebuka was saying that she did not feel the injection he gave her on her shoulder.
“I’m done Faceless. You have to leave us now so it will look real” Ebuka said to Faceless.
“No. I think we can handle Nick. I change my mind on this stupid plan, I can’t do this” Faceless said standing up.
“Look at me. You were right, this is the only way. I’ve been in that control room, that white autistic guy is too good. I’ve been suspicious for a while. This is not because Jason said so. I know so now. You may still be in charge of the soldiers but you are no longer in control of any gadgets. After reading that file, I checked my phone to confirm something. For some time I had been thinking I opened some of my messages subconsciously but it’s not true. Ever since I plugged my phone in one of the systems in the control room, my messages are read before I read them. I’m sure Nick was listening to that conversation we just had. He had something plugged in his ear. He was angry before I told him Cynthia was manhandled by you, and I’m sure he had seen the picture before I showed him because he was looking at his phone. We outnumber them when it comes to fighters but we are outnumbered where it concerns weapons. You told me that Jason said he would handle Nick. Please let him handle Nick. From what I read in that file, I believe only Jason and The Circle can help us out. We can’t let them know we are aware of their plan, if that happens they will kill our men and keep you and Nwankwo hostage till you make that call and they will use her against you. I was angry after seeing that picture and after your call, it was unlike you. Even Nick saw my expression. This plan will work. I don’t regret fighting this Biafran war with you. I know we will overcome at the end. But this is the only way out Faceless and I’m doing it on my own freewill” Ebuka said.
Even after Ebuka’s long speech she still could not comprehend everything.
“I shouldn’t have suggested it. I can’t let you do this.”
“I’m not doing this for you Faceless. I’m doing this for Biafra.” Ebuka said carrying the bag with weapons. On his right hand was a pistol.
“Cynthia, I have to leave this room now. You have to go with Ebuka. I can’t be in the room when you escape. I’m sorry our meeting was not pleasant.”
“Will I see you again?”
She had so many questions she wanted to ask but that was more important.
“Yes my dear. When this war is over I hope to see you again if you want…”
“I want to. Promise me I will see you again. I will need someone to work me down the aisle.”
She must have said the right thing because Faceless was smiling.
“Sure. I will see you again” he said placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Can you walk?” he asked raising her.
She still felt a bit dizzy but the pain was completely gone. She could manage.
“I think I can” she answered taking two steps.
Faceless left her and went over to Ebuka. He gave him a bear hug.
“Ebuka just do one thing for me.”
“What?” Ebuka asked.
“Don’t die.”
'This was getting more confusing', she thought as Faceless left Ebuka and walked back to her.
“You too. We both have a promise to keep. Make sure you stay alive Cynthia” he said hugging her.
He released her, picked the mask he had earlier dropped on the floor and wore it back.  He started walking towards the door.
He paused but did not turn.
“Did you tell her?”
She asked because she needed to know if her mum knew about Faceless' feelings.
“I wanted to tell her that month but it was no longer important.”
He turned to face her.
“For what?”
She wanted to tell him, she was grateful he loved her mum enough to still remember her. She was grateful he still loved her dad even after losing to him, she was grateful he was alive. But she would never say enough to portray how much she meant it.
“For everything. I can’t wait to see you again” she said.
Faceless nodded, opened the door but before he could close it, she called him again.
“Uncle, I don't know your name.”
“I will tell you when we meet again” he said as he closed the door.
Her heart heard the sound the door made more than her ears.
“We have to go now” Ebuka said after few minutes.
“Through the bathroom” he answered opening the other door and entering.
She followed him inside the bathroom. It was really a bathroom with white tiles on the wall. There was no other door to go out. Ebuka pulled at one wall and it shifted and gave way to a tunnel. It was very dark and it looked endless.
                       There was a blink on his wrist watch. It brought him back to the present.  Cindy was on the move. He too had to move. He directed Flight 10 back to the fifth team looking for him. They were getting too close. It was as if Bull knew exactly where he was. Of course, he knew. Bull could track invisible foot mark, even the ones they could not see. The other teams where far away. He just had to deal with Bull’s team and hope the other team wouldn’t catch up with him before he got to Ekule River, because that was where he would experience the main battle. He quickly used his XM25 riffle, and with the laser sight and timing mechanism bullet, which he connected to the camera of Flight 10, he fired at Bull. It was meant to hit him on his head but Bull’s instincts made him dive seconds before contact but the bullet still got his waist and exploded on contact killing all the men with him or maybe not all but maiming some. He quickly climbed out of the pit after gathering everything back to his big bag. And then he was on the run, he ran as fast as he could. The right eye of his spectacle was connected to Flight 10 which was programmed to sight the closest enemy. As he ran, he found himself quoting Mum's favorite quote.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.”
For the first time, he said it and believed it.
He could see their own Flight bird with the aid of Flight 10, it was following him, which meant the others would be running towards him. He increased his speed after seeing the weapons the fourth team was carrying. They were already running towards him with Andrew as their leader. Andrew was a very good marksman and he did not want to confront him now. He was by the river in less than ten minutes. He quickly unhooked the boat and removed the anchor. He ignited it with his keys and was very pleased when it worked at the first try. The river was not very deep but it would work. George had made sure it had tires that could run on land. He was three yards away when Flight 10 sent the image of Andrew’s team. They were already too close. With one hand steering the boat, he opened the gun magnet which rather repelled bullets. He switched it on and put it on flight almost the same time Andrew fired.


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