Part Thirty One

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    Dark Prince had shot someone before she could even see the person. Suddenly, he pulled her to his front and turned back, then shot someone just when the person was about to pull the trigger. Even before the man he had shot fell on the ground, he spun her to another angle and released two bullets to two different locations.
‘This was definitely not real’ she thought as Dark Prince continued spinning and shooting. She had seen Jason fight but this Dark Prince was on a different level. It was as if he was doing his hobby. She should be afraid, but she still could not feel anything. A gunshot that was not fired by Dark Prince made her look up same time someone fell from the roof of a building. It looked like he was about to shoot them. Someone else appeared on the roof top and it was totally not what she expected to see. The person was female. She was on a red flare gown that stopped before her knees. Her natural long hair were packed in a ponytail. She carried a black back bag, which she had also seen Dark Prince carry. It was same with Jason and George. But theirs was very small compared to Jason's bag. She had a gun on one hand and the other hand held a rope that had what looked like a climbing tool. She was on a damn high heel. And the thing she could never mistake was her beauty, she felt ugly with just looking at her. She must have been the one who shot the man that fell off the roof and also the one causing all the gunshots she had been hearing.
‘But who is she and how the heck is a beautiful girl like that a soldier. And why those black heels?’ She thought.
It took less than three seconds to observe everything about her. She summersaulted using the rope but before her heels touched the ground, she had shot two people. Then she was spinning like a ballet dancer same time shooting people she was not even seeing.
  She was spun again by Dark Prince who she had lost count of the numbers of people he had shot. Even after Dark Prince had changed her position and she could not see Warrior Princess, she bent her neck to look for her.
“Doc” Dark Prince shouted.
The Warrior Princess docked same time Dark Prince fired at someone about to shoot her.  Then there was absolutely silence. But they were still pointing their guns at different directions. Warrior Princess removed the edge of her gun, she wished she knew what it was called. She replaced it with another in less than five seconds. She would later ask her how she did that.
Suddenly, another man on black came out from the back of a thick hibiscus plant. It was exactly where Warrior Princess was pointing at. She could not shoot because he had a fat woman in front of him.
“Drop your weapons if you want her to live” the man shouted pulling the woman to the wall close to the plant. His back touched the wall making it impossible for someone to attack from behind. The woman was so fat and tall that one could hardly see the man talking.
“Jude, let her go” Dark Prince said.
If Dark Prince knew him, then he must have been a member of the Special Force.
“I am going to count to ten and if you don’t drop your weapons, she dies. You know women come first. You must obey the rule” Jude said in a panicked voice.
“One…” he started the countdown.
The woman was shaking and at the same time screaming in Igbo. Dark Prince started talking to the woman but he was not speaking English. He was speaking Igbo. She could not hear Igbo so she could not understand what he was saying to the woman. But it was working because the woman stopped screaming. Dark Prince lived in Asaba which meant he might have come from there. That could explain why he could communicate with the woman.
“Five...six...drop your weapons or I will shoot” Jude shouted.
None of them listened to Jude. Dark Prince was still speaking in Igbo. It happened so fast. Suddenly, the woman docked and within that second, a bullet hit Jude on the forehead but it was not fired by Dark Prince nor Warrior Princess. There was a red beam of light reflecting on the wall Jude was resting his back few seconds ago. While Warrior Princess rushed to meet the woman who had resumed her screaming in Igbo, she followed the red beam as it left the wall and landed on Dark Prince’s arm that was holding her, then it landed on her body.
“Jason she is safe. I still have my android you know. Nick never thought of me. Wild and others are on the rescue. Just go back to Obosi. Doc has to see her first. We will join you later” Dark Prince said.
He also used his hand to demonstrate what he was saying.
There was no relief that could be compared to knowing Jason was alive.
“Jason, Jason” she called turning to locate him but did not see him.
The red beam of light was lowered to her stomach. She watched as it was used to draw a love symbol, then it disappeared. Before she could fully digest Jason’s message someone called her.
“Hello Cindy, you are prettier in real life. I am called many names but you can call me Sabrina” the warrior Princess said extending her hands.
“Hi” she said shyly shaking Sabrina’s hand.
“Please permit me to treat your shoulder” Sabrina said.
The word shoulder restored the pain that was supposed to be there. Dark Prince released his hold on her. Within a minute, she was sitting on a mat Sabrina had brought out from her bag and her shoulder was being attended to. While Sabrina attended to her, Dark Prince went to meet the fat woman who was still shouting in Igbo.
“You guys don’t speak military language” she said.
Sabrina used a knife to open the neck of the T-shirt covering her injured shoulder.
“You know military languages?” she asked smiling.
“I watch action movies and I read novels too” she responded.
She winced in pains as Sabrina peeled off the bandage.
“Military language is a coded language and it is general. Any Nigerian soldier can understand it but we speak normal and sometimes in coded words when it comes to Special Force, and most importantly The Circle.”
“Jason” She said making Sabrina laugh.
“Jason is one hell of a soldier. He said the slangs and code did not make any sense. Except when it was necessary, he never used it and somehow we stopped too except when we are working with the average soldier. The Circle communicate more with writing than talking. And we have our way of communicating.
“Wow you are a member of The Circle. I’ve heard Nick tell Faceless how one can join the….” she stopped midway after mentioning Faceless.
“Wait… my Uncle…Ouch” she shouted as Sabrina robbed her shoulder with something she had never seen.
“Sorry. It hurts but it's way better than Methylated Spirit. So he is really your uncle?”
“My father’s elder brother. Jason said he is in danger” she panicked.
“He had gone there to help him. Now stay still if you want us to be on our way to join him as soon as possible” Sabrina said. There was no command in her tone, it was like she was pleading.
She immediately became still. Sabrina injected her shoulder.
“This is to stop you from feeling any pain. I going to sew your shoulder”
She nodded but did not say anything. It was true. The pain completely disappeared. She did not want to watch Sabrina sewing her shoulder so she looked towards Dark Prince’s position. The woman had left and Dark Prince was coming to meet them.
“Done. Do you have any other injury?” Sabrina asked.
Her knees still hurt but she could manage. Treating her knees would take time. Time her uncle and maybe Jason did not have. She shook her head in response to Sabrina’s question.
“Okay, let’s move” Sabrina said same time Dark Prince joined them.
She followed them, ignoring and trying her best to hide the pains her knees gave her. Within a minute, they were in a black jeep on their way to Jason and her uncle.

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