Ch.1: Into New Horizons!

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║key words:║

Y/N= your name

H/C= your hair color

E/C= your eye color

I/N= your island name

F/C= favorite color

*just in case you're trying to decipher this story, ok I'll shut up now*

Chapter 1: Into New Horizons!

Sometimes life hits you unexpectedly or sometimes you  see life coming and just keep waiting there until it hits you. Your mother always urged you to go out and try something new, and as much as you loved her you could never agree with her train of thought. What's so wrong about staying at home? Did she not love you and want to throw you into the pit of responsibility? You let out a small laugh, of course your mom loved you, but you knew you couldn't stand to leave the comfort of the familiar (f/c) walls that surrounded you. Your room was your safe haven and nothing in the world was ripping you apart from it. Or that's what you thought... The lights in your room begin to flicker, before completely giving out. 

"Dammit  why can't I ever think about life without it falling apart before my eyes?" you thought getting up from your room to get a flashlight.

"MOM THE LIGHT Is ou-", you stopped in your tracks.

There at the end of the hallway was a man sitting on a stool focused on tuning the guitar in his hand. You'd recognize that face anywhere it was K.K. Slider!  You stand there mouth agape, K.K Slider nonchalantly looks up at you and begins to speak. A spotlight immediately focuses in on him.

"So looks like you've decided to make your own way in the world ... Get out there explore new frontiers. That's all the way right, daddio. You don't need to live by anyones rules but your own. The world was made for exploring you know?"

Your brows furrow in confusion. 

"What is K.K. on about" last time you recalled you were still in the comfort of your home...

The man continues, "Yeah, an island paradise with your best pals sounds pretty groovy to me"


Suddenly as if in a moment of realization your E/C eyes shoot wide open. You look around before rubbing your eyes as to make sure the present situation you were in wasn't reality. There you were inside a good sized yellow tent, sleeping on the floor in a F/C sleeping bag. Before the infinite number of curses could slip out of your mouth you hear a faint tapping on your tent door.

"Ah Y/N hello hello, Is this a good time? I'm here to discuss some things about the island getaway package..."

"Dammit what did I get myself into?" you thought.

After talking to the strange man outside your tent it turned out he was your new landlord Tom Nook.  It also turned out you owed him a whole ton of bells which was bad... but you could pay the cost of the package in miles which was good. You took out your Nook phone given to you as a part of this vacation package and looked at the tasks available for earning miles.

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