Ch.2 : A Walker in Need of Wings

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║key words:║

Y/N= your name

H/C= your hair color

E/C= your eye color

I/N= your island name

F/C= favorite color

N/F= Native Fruit

Chapter 2: A Walker in Need of Wings

And just like that the ABD machine finished printing your ticket. You  were very much bewildered on how a machine that was pretty much a virtual piggy bank could distribute tickets but decided not to contemplate on that thought (after all you were destined to use that same machine to pay off the money you owed). You waved goodbye to Nook who was busy sipping some sort of canned drink while listening to his assistants (nephews?) ramblings.

And there you were once again face to face with the attractive receptionist who looked upset and in a deep train of thought. And just like before those flustered emotions arose... this was definitely out of the ordinary, but you tried your best to ignore your weird feelings as your priority was still to pay off Nooks debt.

The blue haired ma- ...err Orville looked up at you before putting on a slight smile.

"Hey, hey, hey! Welcome to your one and only gateway to the skies, the I/N airport. How may I help you?" Orville said tilting his head slightly to the side 

"Damn he's so cute...." You think soon realizing you've been silent for a few seconds too long, you try to quickly make this interaction less awkward  "Um I'd like to fly!"

Orville looks up closely observing how strangely you were acting, soon returning to his routine behavior "Roger! Looks like you have a Nook Miles ticket on you for a mystery tour, but just to make the paperwork official where would you like to go?" 

"I'd like to go on a mystery island tour please" you said handing him the ticket, smiling nervously. You could tell this interaction was different from the first time you talked to him. Before he was a stuttering mess now it seems like he's peering at every weird thing you do.

"Damn what the heck happened yesterday..." was the thought that kept resonating inside your head. Soon enough you were snapped out of your thought as you see the receptionist  place his hand on his headset.

"Dodo One, this is Dodo Tower we have a walker in need of wings, over." You  stare trying to make out the voice of the person on the other side, but soon your eyes meet Orville. You become slightly flustered.

"Alright Y/N the gate is open, just walk through and make a right, my brother will be there to explain anything else". He says bluntly

"Okay thanks", you give Orville a small smile before rushing through the gates quickly. As attracted as you felt towards Orville you sensed that the vibe was somewhat off, despite whatever smile he put on.  

"Wait a minute he has a brother?" You think soon looking up to see a tall man with a large fit build. This man looked very similar to Orville, well if Orville wore dark tinted glasses and let his facial hair grow out....

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