Ch.5 : Dream

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║key words:║

Y/N= your name

H/C= your hair color

E/C= your eye color

I/N= your island name

F/C= favorite color

N/F= Native Fruit

Ch.5: Dream

Finally you were going to clear your name. You walk towards the pier your H/C locks swaying with the cool ocean breeze. If it weren't for the fact that you were going to talk to someone who was currently angry at you you'd admittedly be enjoying the night time scenery. You look around soon spotting  Wilbur who currently sat on the edge of the pier  feet hanging above the water, you could tell he wasn't wearing his shades. Great you'd have to make eye contact...

He spots you walking towards the pier, stands up, and mutters a simple "Hello"

"I'm here to prove my innocence" you say trying to get straight to the point.

"Okay..." Wilbur says looking into your eyes as if to spot any hint of a lie.

You reach into your shorts pockets and pull out you F/C pill container, handing it to Wilbur. He opens it up only to make a confused face.

"I have a seasonal pollen allergy, my mother had given me the wrong medication which caused an adverse neurological effect as I took it for multiple days" at this point the words just flowed out of your mouth, you were exhausted of feeling attacked for something you didn't remember doing.

Wilbur instantly looked remorseful and put his shades on to hide his now (presumably) watery eyes, "Oh Y/N I'm so sorry for ignoring you and acting so harsh, I should've known you were too nice to be intentionally playing with my lil bros feelings. I was just trying to protect him you know-"

You cut Wilbur off , "Please just tell me what I did already! I am willing to forgive you but just tell me what I did so I can know if I could even forgive myself"

Wilbur's pitiful demeanor soon changed into a much more sheepish one as he started pacing around the pier in circles "Well if you were in a drowsy state because of the medication... and you can't remember anything... WAIT! Do you have a crush on Orville?" Wilbur had his hands on your shoulders as he stared deeply into your eyes as if to interrogate you.

"Well...uhm...I guess I find him attractive", you pull the collar of your shirt and avoid eye contact in hopes that Wilbur wouldn't pick up on your subtle lie.

"So no crush...phew.. I guess this won't be too embarrassing then" you could tell Wilbur was still trying to figure out how to word the situation.

"Please just spit it out, I don't care how horrible the events were just tell me the truth...I just want to remember" you say nervously pinching one side of your arm.


And just like that Wilbur began telling you what went down your first day in the I/N airport. At some point during the conversation your memory switch must have flipped and you soon remembered the details of that night...

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