Chapter 1

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I walked through the halls of my high school trying to get to my first class. My books had fallen to the ground at least three times and I probably had a bruise from the one time that eleventh grader shoved me into the side of a locker.

It was just how my life normally went. I was shoved, kicked, punched, stepped on or gossiped about on a regular basis. I wasn't sure why it was me that they had to pick on but, there was no way I would ask anyone. They could of bullied anyone else, but no. They had to choose me.

It's not like it mattered much to me. I let them do it because I didn't want my parents or teachers involved. I told my friend Alice to leave it alone because she didn't need to be bullied too. She tried to convince me to tell someone but I refused. She just shook her head and looked at me disappointed every time I said no.

I made my way to the back of the class in an empty seat like usual, knowing no one would sit beside me, which I preferred. Not as many distractions.

Surprising enough I got to class on time despite being pushed around and held up by jocks and cheerleaders. Sometimes even the occasional normal kid who was trying to get the "populars" attention. Though mostly it was the kids who could get away with teasing me without having someone stand up to them. It was easier to deal with the jocks and cheerleaders because I knew how to respond. If it was a new person then I didn't know how to react. Should I give them a reaction or should I keep going? I never knew.

Stepping into the class I got out my textbook and opened it to the page I needed. The bell rang and students filed inside. I was in tenth grade academic science. This was one of the worst classes for bullies because they knew that I actually somewhat enjoyed this class, so they made it their mission to made my favourite class horrible.

A piece of paper was thrown at me but I did my best to ignore it. The teacher, Mr. Atkins gave us the homework which I finished in class like usual. I waited patiently for the bell. When it rang I was last to get out.





All the names were yelled at me as I solemnly made my way to my next class. Dirty looks and physical violence was thrown my way until I got inside the safety of the next class. Academic geography. I loved my teacher in this class but she didn't really notice me.

I hoped that I could continue to study geography because I wanted to do something related to it in my life.

The bell snapped me out of my thoughts and the class started. She made us write down notes and gave us a new assignment. I started on the project, getting a big portion of it done. All the dumb cheerleaders were saying that it was going to be impossible. I didn't understand why they would take academic if they couldn't keep up with the work. It didn't make sense.

The bell signalling class was over came faster than I wanted it to. Getting up from my seat before anyone could kick it out from under me, I speed walked my way out.


I nearly dropped my books when someone tried to trip me. I was surprised when that was the only attempt at violence towards me the whole way to my locker. I grabbed my lunch and skillfully avoided anyone by going out the front doors to sit on the lawn with Alice. It was summer time and Ontario's weather was nice during the warmer months. We just started tenth grade and it was only September.

Alice was sitting there grinning at me. I eyed her suspiciously and narrowed my eyes. She was up to something and I wanted to know what.

"What's got you so happy?" I ask cautiously. Her grin only got bigger, if it was even possible.

"I was invited to a party and I can bring one guest. You know who it is?" She raised her eyebrows at me. I shook my head forcefully and backed up.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. And wait for it... no," I bit my tongue from yelling no some more. She knew I hated any social gathering because the people who organized them hated me with a passion. She didn't seem to notice my annoyance, but if she did she didn't care because she just continued her ramblings.

"Oh come on, please! I promise it will be fun, you can stick with me the whole time and I promise I won't leave you," she pleaded. I shook my head some more and she gave me a puppy dog face. She even added a lip quiver for extra measure. "Pleeeeeaseeee?"

I groaned and slumped my shoulders admitting defeat while she fist pumped the air.

"Woop Woop! Were going to a party. A party. A real life party!" She sung while punching the air in happiness that she convinced me. I sighed. I don't know what possessed me to say that I would go.

What did I get myself into?

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