Chapter 12

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I was dreading the minute that I heard the knock at the door.

I didn't talk to him since the incident at my locker. He tried to but I just walked away before he could stop me. Now he was here and I was ready to pretend I wasn't home until he went away, but that plan was crushed when I heard him call out from behind the door.

"I know you're in there Charisma," he sounded annoyed. I hesitantly walked over to the door and cracked it open a tiny bit. He was standing there on my porch staring right at me. I looked away and pulled the door open. He walked in and sat down on the couch barely taking time to remove his shoes.

Great, he really does mean business. I closed my eyes and forced a breath.

"It would be better to do this downstairs. If anyone is watching us then it couldn't be good," he didn't even try to hide the confusion on his face. I just made a gesture with my hand that said 'follow me' and he trailed me down the stairs.

"You are gonna want to sit on the floor. I don't need you fainting like my parents did," he looked like I was telling him I was an alien. Which could be partly true if being able to levitate stuff and make ice with only your hands could classify you as one.

He sat on the floor closest to the stairs and I didn't even look at him when I said the next sentence.

"Please try not to faint. I'd rather not deal with this now," and with that I called on my pyrokinesis. My right hand burst into flames. I heard him gasp. I didn't take the time to look at him before I switched to cryokinesis. An icicle formed in my open palm and I plucked it from mid air.

I looked over to see that he was emotionless, which surprised me because I almost expected him to already of fainted.

I handed him the icicle and he took it gingerly. I sat down on the floor in front of him.

"You demanded that you know, so I showed you. Please don't tell anyone about this. I'm begging you to keep a secret. If this gets out, some very bad people could find me. So please. Promise me that you won't tell anyone," I spoke slowly as if he were a child. His eyes were fixated on the icicle which was slowly melting in his hand.

"Promise me, okay?" I waved a hand in front of the icicle. He snapped his eyes up to me and what I saw stunned me. He was grinning. Like, grinning like he won the lottery. Oh great, I've made him insane.

"Yeah. I promise," he paused to look back at the icicle. "That's not all you can do is it? Can you show me?" He stood to his feet and I followed. I was happily surprised. Was this the reaction I expected? No. Did I care? Also no. This guy liked me even if I wasn't completely human. I was perfectly fine with that.

"Sure. But not in the basement. I'd rather not blow all the windows out," I grinned sheepishly and walked up the stairs. He followed not far behind. I wrote a small note and grabbed my keys.

Hey there,

I've gone out with a friend. Don't worry about me. I can handle myself. Will be home sooner or later.

Love, Car.

I was satisfied with the note and we left. I got in the drivers seat while Austin just looked out all the windows like a kid going to Disneyland.

"So, I'm gonna take a wild guess that the video is of you," he broke the silence by asking the obvious question.

"Yes, that was me and were going right back to the same spot. Maybe they'll figure out that there's new marks. I'd like to see the reaction of people," he still hadn't asked about how I had gotten these weird powers, which I was thankful for. I'd rather not discuss the whole story. It took too long.

We pulled up to the side of the road and got out. I pulled him through the trees and into the corn field. I let go of his arm and told him to stay where he was. Then I used my super speed to get to the other side of the field. He gaped and I laughed. Zipping back over, I saw his expression and laughed even more.

"You-you can teleport?" He asked bewildered. I snorted.

"No. I was running, duh. It's just really fast," I smirked at him.

"So that's how you can beat me every time! I should of known!" He looked like his pride was a bit hurt knowing that I'd always be faster than him.

"Okay. Next," I pulled him over to a tree along the back of the field. I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I kicked one of the low hanging branches right off.

"Woah..." he looked so fascinated. I shook my head when he proceeded to kick another branch and then go around hopping on one leg while cursing the trees very existence.

"That's not even the worst I can do," I smirked when he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Okay, so show me what else you can do!" He was practically jumping up and down on the spot.

"Okay well I can tell you that my stamina, agility, and sense are all heightened. I have the speed and strength. That's the ones that I can't really show you without taking way too much time," then I cycled through my powers. Well, except for the ones that I'd have to cause pain to show, like sonokinesis and seismokinesis.

My newest power was that I can choose where and when gravity works, it's also called gravity manipulation. To prove my point I turned it off beneath him and he floated upwards while screaming like a girl. I giggled. This was the first time I had had genuine fun with my powers. It was cool.

I turned it back on and he dropped to the ground. He only got about 4 feet before I let him go. He hit the dirt on his butt with an 'oof'.

"What was that for?!" He tried to sound angry but I could see the amusement in his face.

"For demanding I tell you about this stuff over my lock," I smirked at my somewhat witty response and started to walk to the spot where the original burn was. I might as well have some fun. If they found this too, Superwoman would be the most popular thing since broken-nose Natalie.

I called flames to my hands and shot a continuous stream of fire into the ground, burning a heart around the first singe mark. When I was done I blasted it with some water to prevent any forest fires. Austin had walked up to the new mark when I was done. He stayed away while I was burning it and cooling it off. Smart move.

"That's gonna get them so confused," he traced the blackened dirt with his palm.

"That's what's going to make it even better at school," I really didn't think about the consequences when I'd done it. Now I saw how much this could be good and how much it could get me into trouble, and there was really no going back on it now.

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