Chapter 8

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The day went by fast and before I knew it, it was lunch.

Walking to my locker I noticed a few stares from guys and mainly glares from girls. I recognized a few of the people that were looking. I so badly wanted to shoot a bolt of electricity at them but knew that if I did they would find it suspicious or they might die.

I did the combination to my locker abnormally fast due to my speed and grabbed my lunch. I met Alice in the cafeteria.

We chose to sit at a table towards the front of the room. I was talking about stuff that happened while I was 'gone' with Alice when someone cleared their throat behind me. When I turned to look at the person I was met with an angry looking Natalie.

"What you said about cheerleading back there was so not true. Who do you think you are!?" Her voice had raised and by now the entire room was staring at us.

"Okay, sure I'll admit to being pretty harsh but I'm a bit surprised you don't remember me Natalie," I stood up to my full height which was a bit taller than her. She looked confused for a second but quickly covered it up with a glare.

"What the heck do you mean, 'don't remember you'. You just came here today," she tried to make herself taller but failed and looked like she was trying to stretch her neck.

"Here's a little hint. My name is Charisma. Two years ago? No? Nothing? Well how about that party, I mean you have to remember that... Getting all up in my face over a guy? Just goes to show just how desperate you are. Cutting me down when I can actually get someone to talk to me without having to wear the smallest clothes?" By the end of my rant she had gone tomato red. She was fuming to say the least. What I didn't expect was the slap that came next.


The sound rang through the room as her hand connected with my face. My head moved to the side slightly and I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"You shouldn't of done that," I said with a voice that made me sound slightly insane.

"Oh really? Why? It's not like you fight back anyways," she tried to cover up her fear but it was too late, I saw it already. Her friends giggled at her snide remark.

"So, why don't I just change that then?" I asked darkly.

I knew I couldn't burn her without showing and I knew I couldn't freeze her without showing so I guessed that electricity was my only option.

I shoved her while sending a tiny bolt of current into her shoulders. She yelped and fell back.

"What was that!? What did you just do to me? That felt like a shock," her eyes were wide and I only laughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about but I'm going to show you that you can't just mess with me anymore," I stalked forward as her friends helped her up. She tried to slap me again but I grabbed her hand in mid air. She tried to yank it back but I twisted it to the side. She cried out and I let it go.

"Not so brave now are we Natalie?" I taunted her, trying to get her to blow up. It didn't take much.

She screeched and surged forward at me. I moved to the side and tripped her. This was too easy. I was fighting back my powers that were bubbling at the surface.

Now a circle of a crowd had formed around us and they were chanting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Is that the best you've got, huh?" I yelled above the chants. She got back to her feet and turned to face me. Suddenly two girls from behind me grabbed my arms. Fighting dirty are we? I can play your game...

I let them take my arms like they were stronger than me. I fake struggling and Natalie looked smug.

"Not so tough now are we now?" She laughed evilly.

"Don't worry Natalie. We've got her. Show her who the real boss is around here," a nasally voice said from behind me. It took everything in me not to turn around and switch the gravity off below her feet.

Natalie took a step forward and went to smack me again. Does this girl only know how to smack?!

Before her hand could connect with my face, I flung my arms out of the girls beside me and punched Natalie square in the nose. Blood poured out of it as she screamed. I smirked and the crowd cheered. The teachers who were fighting their ways through the kids just got to us. No one ever stood up to Natalie and her friends but I just changed that by breaking her nose.

"Don't worry, you can always get a nose job! You needed one anyways," I looked at her figure that was curled up clutching her nose on the floor.

"Everyone shut it and go back to your seats!" A teacher screamed.

Students quickly obeyed and the cheering ceased.

"You," the principle pointed to me, "get to the office. I'll deal with you later," he turned to Natalie who was now off the floor but still clutching her nose. "and you need to learn to stop asking for fights!" I smiled triumphantly and made my way his office with my head held high.

On my way there someone tapped my shoulder. Expecting to see Alice, I was slightly surprised when I was met with a pair of forest green eyes which I remembered from the party almost immediately.

"Good job back there," Austin said with a smirk. I just grinned and winked. Then I walked to the office where I would find out my punishment.

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