Chapter 29

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"What are you doing," I strode over to where he was getting up off the ground.

"Um," he brushed the dirt off of himself like he was trying to stall. "I followed you to see if you were okay," he said quietly.

"How much did you see," I asked him like he was a child. "I know you saw some of it but I just need to know how much I have to explain," I massaged my temples with my fingers and sighed. I was surprised that I wasn't screaming at him but nevertheless. Maybe it was because Austin was standing right beside me.

"All of it," he practically whispered.

"Alright then. Be prepared to skip class because this is going to take a while," I sat down in the dirt with my knees held up against my chest. Austin sat beside me and Mitch sat in front of me.

I explained the same way I did to Austin and showed him a bit of each power that I could, and he didn't faint once.

"So that video," he paused to leave the next part to me.

"The video was of me, yes," I was a bit shocked that he didn't suspect anything before.

"And that's how you're able to do so well in anything physical," I nodded my head.

"You can't tell anyone. Not your friends. Not the teachers. And not the police," I began to explain what happened in order for me to get powers.

By the end of my spiel, my voice had broken a few times and I could feel my hands heat up every time I mentioned someone's name from inside. Mitch was looking confused when I finished.

"So you didn't run away. You were kidnapped and then genetically altered to be the perfect weapon by some wack-jobs," he was weary when he talked, like he didn't want to set me off.

"Yes. That's exactly true and that's why you can't tell the police because the people I ran from are still looking for me," my voice faltered at the end, thinking about the yesterday.

"Don't think about that," Austin said quietly to me, trying to calm me down so I didn't start the water works in front of Mitch.

"Promise you won't tell. I will know if you do and trust me when I say you will not like how I deal with you telling," I held my hand out for him to shake. He waited for a second before promising and shaking.

"We're good now. Do you even want to go back to class? I really don't want to have to meet up with either of them. If they did anything to set me off I might turn the gravity right off under them," I scowled. I could only hope that they weren't dumb enough to try again.

"Are you sure that you want to skip? We can go back and see how scared your mini earthquake made them," Austin grinned at me and I cracked a small smile.

"Fine, but only because I want to see the reactions," I stood up and brushed my shorts off. I got an idea.

"Race you! You guys get a head-start, GO!" That was all they needed and they started sprinting back to the school.

I counted in my head to ten and shot off like a bullet. I was gaining on them fast and I wasn't even breaking a sweat. This was nothing compared to what I was used to.

"You guys are sloooowww," I yelled as I surpassed them both and then gained an easy 10 feet ahead of them without using super speed. I slowed down when I reached the doors and turned around to see them panting like dogs. I wasn't even breathing heavy.

"I win," I beamed at them as they bent over, trying to catch they're breath. It was obvious that they were racing each other more than me.

Psh, boys. Always trying to be superior over each other.

"Yeah. No shi- crap Sherlock," Mitch had figured out that I didn't like swearing unless it was totally necessary.

"Are we waiting for you to stop wheezing like you ran a marathon or are we going to go inside?" I put my hands on my hips and tapped my foot like an impatient snob. Then I giggled because I couldn't keep up the act.

I waved my hand towards the door that led to the school.

"Hurry up. We already skipped one class. Let's not skip another," I started walking to the pit that I called school while they caught their breath.

I pushed open the double doors in a royalty-looking manner and grinned at the empty hallways.

I guess I had another friend that I could be carefree around.
I missed english, which I didn't mind. We were just in time for gym.

"See you in art," I waved to Austin as he maneuvered his way through the crowds to get to his next class.

Mitch was walking beside me to my locker which hadn't been vandalized since I figured out who it was. I grabbed my gym bag which contained my uniform. A pair of black biking shorts and a nice black t-shirt with the school logo over the heart. I liked them compared to my usual training outfit of a sports bra and even shorter spandex shorts.

"You not getting your stuff?" I asked him while tugging on my lock to made sure that it wasn't going to open.

"It's on the way there," I fell in step beside him. I hoped that gym would be as good as it was yesterday, despite the events that took place today.
I pulled my gym shirt on and stuffed my regular clothes into my gym bag.

None of the girls bothered me in the change room, especially the girls who are friends with Natalie because they had a little more common sense than to go after me in a room where the teachers wouldn't know I was beating them.

I put my bag on a hook and walked out into the hall. We had weird places for the change rooms which were down the hall from the actual gym. It was quiet and the halls were empty. I shivered, this was creepy.

Pulling the gym doors open I saw that nearly all of my classmates were still changing, including Mitch. I sauntered over to a bench that was pressed up against a wall. When I sat down the bench slid and made a screeching sound. The kids who were already changed all snapped their gazes to where I was. Well, this is awkward.

I was saved when the gym door swung and Mitch walked in with one of his buddies. He saw me and ditched his friend to come and sit beside me.

"What do you think we'll be doing?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Hopefully something to do with running. I don't think I could do something inside today," I could only hope that we were going outside again today.

I jumped when Mrs. Fitz strolled in after slamming the doors open. She had a grin on her face and a clipboard in her hand. When she faced the class she announced what we were doing.

"Okay kids, were playing Manhunt," there were some groans but they were drowned out by cheering. I whooped we when were told the next half.

"... In the nearby forest."

This was going to be the best gym class of my life.

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