Chapter 30

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"This is the best gym class ever," I kept muttering over and over again as we jogged to the forest that was just down the street.

Toronto had plenty of land that wasn't developed around our school which was quiet surprising because, well, it's Toronto. There was fields, forests, creeks and swamps all over the place here. We lived in a smaller county, if you will, that branches off from Toronto so there was much less traffic and people.

"Yes, you've said that plenty of times now Car," Mitch breathed out, annoyed with me.

It's was a little longer than a five minute jog to get to the destination and Mrs. Fitz said that we had to sprint that last 100 meters. I was staying at the back of the group of kids so I could surpass all of them when the time to sprint came. Mitch said he was going to try and race me so I had to take it easy, but I had no intentions of making it look like he was as fast as me.

"ALRIGHT! SPRINTING STARTS NOW!" Mrs. Fitz screamed from the front of the pack. I grinned and took off like a bullet. The scrape of shoes against gravel was probably heard right back to the school. Everyone was trying they're hardest to get there first.

Mitch was beside me for about 25 meters and then I turned my speed up and left him in my dust. I passed Lyndon, the fastest kid of the football team and took first place in the last 25 meters.

I came in first, Lyndon was second and Mitch was third. I grinned triumphantly and stuck my tongue out at Mitch like a child. He rolled his eyes though I could his lips curling up in a smile.

"I win, I win, I win!" I cheered in his face and punched his shoulder. He was breathing heavy as I jumped around like I had just taken a red bull energy shot.

"Good job Charisma! And for being first, you're starting out it. EVERYONE GO FIND A SPOT TO HIDE! YOUV'E GOT ONE MINUTE!" She yelled so close that I flinched and winced slightly. Man, she could be loud.

"Perfect," I rubbed my hands together like an evil scientist and smirked. This was going to be a fast game...
The trees were so squished together that if I climbed one, I could walk to the other on a branch. That was exactly how I was planning my sneak attack, from the skies.

"Fifty eight. Fifty nine. Sixty," I cracked my knuckles and sauntered over to a tree with a low branch. I used my upper body strength to pull myself up. I proceeded to climb to a suitable branch and then climb across to the next tree.

It wasn't the quietist of ways, but how cool would it be to drop down in front of my prey and scare the absolute crap out of them? Very cool, that's how cool it would be.

I crawled my way through the trees that were seemingly endless until I heard a vague whisper.

"She'll never find us here," it sounded like a girl. The other one who was with her giggled. I narrowed my eyes and smirked. Maybe I would have some fun and mess with them.

I giggled highly like a creepy child. I could hear a slight gasp and crept my way through the trees towards it. I giggled again and this time a whimper brought me closer. I finally saw a bush shuffling and knew it was them.

I scoped out a fast way to get down. The only one I saw was jumping from 15 feet through a clear patch. I shrugged and readied myself.

I pushed off the branch, enjoying the feel of the air rushing across my face until I hit the ground in a crouch. They squealed an I rushed forward, tagging both of Natalie's groupies before they could run.

They shot me dirty looks as they went back to the entrance and Mrs. Fitz. In our game of Manhunt, the people who got tagged were out of the game. It gives more of an initiative to not get caught.

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