Chapter 20

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My parking spot was taken today by some random car. It wasn't even a nice car! It was some beat up, old Pontiac Sunfire. I rolled my eyes as I drove by it to find a different spot.

A short while later I was walking from my car to the back entrance of the school. I parked a lot farther away than usual. Dumb Pontiac.

There was the same students who were here at this time every morning. I growled lowly when I saw what was on my locker. A picture of me was taped to it from grade ten when Natalie 'tripped' and dumped her lunch on my head, the perspective of the photo seemed as if it were taken from someone who was sitting right beside me. I was so embarrassed that everyone had thought it was so funny that I faked sick for the next three days.

I yanked it off my locker and turned it over. In the same pink lipstick was a sentence.

Remember this?

I narrowed my eyes and crumpled the photo up. Then I had an idea. I opened my locker and pulled out my notebook and pen. I tore a page out and wrote on it in big letters.

You're going to have to try harder than that... A photo isn't going to hurt me.

I searched my locker for tape or anything I could use to stick it to my locker. I found a magnet and stuck it right where the picture was previously.

After putting my notebook back in my locker I closed it and locked it. My teacher told me to stop bringing my binders because I didn't need them for music. I was fine with that because I hated carting those dumb things around.

I went to music early and walked straight to the piano. I didn't know why my mom was telling me I was going to be late because I still had half an hour before the bell rang. Not that I cared, I loved playing the piano.

I had barely even started when I heard the door close. When I looked up, I curled my lip. What does Natalie think locking me in a room with her will do? She has no idea what's coming to her...

"What do you want? I'm busy at the moment," I played it off like I was bored and started playing Human by Christina Perry. Polar opposite of my life.

"You know what I want. I want a rematch with no one to stop us," I grinned. She had no idea how much of a mistake she was making.

I stood up from the stool, which I had recently named Narnia because I found a compartment on top of it, (A/N true story, the stools name is Narnia at my school.) and walked to stand in the middle of the room. I raised my hand in a 'bring it on' gesture.

"Alright then. Right here, right now. Let's go," I barely had to say go and she pulled something from her back pocket. She hit a button on the device and a knife shot out. Switchblade. Fighting dirty are we? Two can play at that game. Time to bring out the big guns!

I shook my head at her and raised an arm. I focused on my ferrokinesis and crushed my hand together to make a fist. The knife she was holding crumpled inward and she dropped it. Her eyes went wide and she stuttered at me.

"H-how di-did you d-do th-that?"

"Magic. I can do a lot more than that too. Would you like to see?" I grinned like an insane person and cocked my head. "You shouldn't of locked the door, 'cause now you're stuck in here we me," I whispered and then giggled high pitched. I wouldn't follow through on my threat unless she came at me again. She raced to the door and started banging on it, yelling for her friends to open it. I slowly took a step forward while giggling more.

The door was flung open and outside stood two of Natalie's groupies whose names I didn't bother to remember.

She ran out and down the hallway yelling that I'm 'not human' and a 'psycho.' Her friends took one look at me before they ran after her. I grinned and muttered.

"Good riddance," maybe now she won't bother me. I walked back to the crumpled knife. I bet she didn't even know how to swing it. I rolled my eyes. What did she think she was going to do? If she stabbed me then how would she cover it up? Oh, she fell on my switchblade! Yeah. Okay, sure.

I searched for a spot that I could put the knife. I shrugged and tossed it in the trash. Hopefully no one got suspicious about it.

I sauntered back to the piano and continued my song. I could probably play it with my eyes closed. They did give me a keyboard in the facility but I didn't use it much. They didn't give me any sheet music so I saw no point.

I played a few more songs before the bell rang. Students filed in the class and I stood up. I didn't make any friends in music so far even thought it's been a few weeks since school started. They're probably scared of me. I did punch the queen bee.

The teacher told us to set up and I grabbed my cello and stand. I tightened my bow and tuned the instrument. The rest of class flew by and felt like only minutes. I put away my stuff when the bell dinged, much to my dismay, and left the class.

The note was still stuck to my locker when I got there. I smiled. It's good that they know to leave it there. I pulled my binder for geography out and closed my locker. While I was walking someone came up beside me. I expected it to be Austin or Alice but groaned when I saw Mitch.

"Leave me alone," I groaned.

"Nah, I think I'm good," he grinned. I didn't mind him to be honest, it was just the thought that he used to torture me. He started bothering me more even more after I wrecked him in dodgeball.

"Then I guess that I'm just going to have to deal with you," I sighed.

"I guess so," he bumped my shoulder. If I were human then I would of stumbled.

"Why are you bothering me all the sudden? Don't your friends shun you?" I was starting to question why he was even talking to me.

"No. They think that I'm the bravest guy in our group actually. They were all scared that if they tried to talk to you, they'd get a broken nose too," I snorted.

"That's probably right. I had to seriously think twice about punching you the first time you talked to me," which was true.

"Well I'm glad you didn't. I like my face just the way it is. Hot," he grinned and I rolled my eyes. Just a cocky as he always was.

"Yeah okay. You keep believing that and it will take you far in life," I said sarcastically.

"Why thanks. Oh and by the way, do you want to sit with us at lunch today? I'm sure that you could scare all the guys," by now we were sitting at our normal seats. I took a second to think.

"I don't know. Trust me, I would love to make all your friends cower in fear but I would rather not leave Alice," which was also true but I was more concerned about facing old enemies.


I sighed. "Fine, but only because I know that if it isn't today it'll be tomorrow and the next day," he grinned and nodded his head.


I really hope that Alice doesn't hate me for this.

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