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The following week, there were more instances when I'd be blessed of yet again more sightings of this Wonder Man. Mr. A seems to be Mr. Famous because whenever I do see him, he's always in a group of people. The curious thing is more often than not they're not the same group, this guy must've lots of friends. Well why would he not when you've got a killer smile and calming attitude that seems to infect his immediate vicinity.

Tristan and John were unable to accompany me to our weekly consultation with Prof. Long. So I was left to my own devices to discuss the details of our thesis proposal. After our long meeting, I made my way along the quiet corridor of the building when I saw Mr. A on the far end, standing solitarily on the left side looking out into the quadrangle below. My university is divided into several schools and each has its own buildings. The School of Business and Economics has a collection of 5 buildings with four of those connected to one another forming an envelope around a quadrangle. This "sub-building" - if you will - is for my department so I couldn't help but wonder why the loneman was here. I've never seen him take any class in this part of the school before. Fortunately for me, I had an excuse to come close to him to investigate. Along this long corridor was only one bench and that happened to be situated just right before him from where I was standing. I took a chance at it and sat on the bench letting out a heavy sigh as I relieved myself of the stresses of the day.

"You following me?"

To my surprise his symphonic voice made its way to me. Perplexed, I looked around just to check if he was referring to someone else.

"I'm talking to you." He said calmly but coldly.

A chill ran through my spine as I heard those words being muttered. I looked up at him and pointed myself to ask if his words were indeed directed to me. He simply nodded in return.

"No, I'm in my department's building. What are YOU doing here?" I replied almost angrily. How dare he accuse me of stalking him?

"K." he replied nonchalantly as he turned his gaze to the clear blue sky.

"I answered your question therefore I deserve an answer for mine."

"It's quiet here. Keep it that way."

"OK fine I'll shut-up." I raised my hands symbolising my concession.

Minutes later he picked up his bag and said the words that would linger in my head as he left, "see you later."

I was shocked to say the least. "Later"? The hell does that mean? We don't even share classes.

"There you are!" Exclaimed John when they finally found me.

"How was the consultation?" asked Tristan

"Was Long pissed we weren't there?" added John.

"I'll explain in the gym," I replied as their questions pulled me back to reality. We headed for our cars and drove off to the gym. Instead of explaining to them the events that took place in my consultation with Prof. Long, I recounted my encounter with Mr. A.

"So do we finally know the name?" inquired John as we were both working out with the dumbbells on the benches.

"I never got the chance to ask."

"Well that was a wasted opportunity."

"I did get to come close to him though."

"But we know nothing about him. We can't even replace Anonymous in his name."

"Wait you named him, didn't you, John?"

"Well you kept talking about him last year and I was tired of hearing 'that guy' so there we go, Mr. A. A for Anonymous."

"Sly," replied Tristan while doing pull ups.

"But what really bothered me was that he was in our department building alone, and that he said he'd see me again later."

We kept discussing our analysis of what just transpired while finishing our workout. The conversation went on and on and even over dinner. It didn't end until we got to the cafe and ordered for our drinks. We made our to our usual spot and placed down our drinks.

"Do you think he'll be here again?" I queried the Godfathers.

"I wouldn't count on it," replied Tristan, "you're putting too much meaning on three simple words."

Having moved on expeditiously, I changed the topic and brought the attention of the Godfathers to our thesis proposal.

"Long was quite concerned about the feasibility of our proposal. He suggests we pick energy instead. He knows someone from the research center who can help us."

"As long as we have his help that's fine by me." replied Tristan.

"Hear hear!" John agreed.

The rest of the week went by as quickly as it could. The Godfathers would spend the day working out or at the cafe studying the entire Tuesday and Thursday. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays were when you would find us in school. Finally, it was time for our weekly consultation with Prof. Long. Fortunately for me, the other two were present to help me share ideas with our thesis advisor. The meeting could not have gone longer than it did. After we shook Prof. Long's hand and stood up, I suddenly felt that familiar sharp pain in my knee.

"Not today," I thought to myself as I tried my best to repress the pain. To my relief, it diligently did. Upon closing the department's door behind us, John spotted Mr. A standing where he stood the last time we saw each other. Acting on impulse, I swiftly shoved Tristan and John down the stairs that was right across the department's office. Their fall made such a racket that it caught the attention of Mr. A. I on the other hand pretended like I didn't push two grown men down flights of stairs and approached the solitary bench conveniently still located just right before him.

"I'm starting to think you're the one stalking me." I teased as I sat down on the chair and let out a sigh.

He remained still, looking aimlessly at the bright blue sky. He closed his eyes as the wind gently blew on his face. His shiny curled front hair was blown slightly away, enough to drive me crazy. If only I could run my hand down those cheeks, land my lips on those plump moist lips, feel the warmth of his body on mine as I take him in for an embrace.

"Injured your knee?" he asked as he turned his face to me. I was unconsciously rubbing my knee with the palm of my hand.

"Just arthritis," I smiled back, which received a confused look from the gorgeous man.

"Hereditary. I got it from my father." I lied. He doesn't need to know about my condition. No crush needs to know about my damning disease.

He looked away again convinced of my little lie. We stayed there for a few more minutes, I would steal glances at him and just when he would turn his face to me, I'd quickly look straight. This time though, he caught me staring at his beautiful sharp nose, it wasn't particularly long, but the silhouette was of a perfect right triangle. As he caught me looking at him, I noticed beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Prepared as I was, I gave him one of my two handkerchiefs.

"Thanks," he said as he wiped the sweat off.

I did the same as the humidity forced me to break a sweat too.

"I always carry two handkerchiefs in case I need to lend one. I always need one and it'd be disgusting to give a used cloth." I explained the peculiarity of our situation.

He then picked up his bag and left. I wasn't insulted though. I couldn't be only after he graced me with a few minutes of undisturbed interaction. It was quiet in our building, most of the other seniors have left the university as we were the last group to meet with Prof. Long. But it wasn't quiet enough as I'm sure I'm not the only one who can hear the loud beats of my stimulated heart. I couldn't help but smile.

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