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I was really enjoying myself in his powerful car, the instant acceleration, the soft hum of the motors as it translated the numbers on the dashboard into actual speed. Before we left, I connected my phone to his car's bluetooth so we could jam to my favourite evening drive feel-good playlist. We first sang our hearts out to "Drive" by Incubus. As if the universe was conspiring to make this a perfect night, no one else seemed to be on the wide empty highway, making it perfect for a drive. Noticing that we would be approaching the tunnel in 5 minutes, Gab told me to slow down. Having owned a cabriolet myself, I know what he was planning so I complied. He then pressed a button and voila, the roof started retracting to reveal the beautiful starry night sky. To play along, I pulled down our windows and stepped on the pedal. We approached the tunnel and continued to sing along. The orange streetlights would come and go yet despite the limited light, I glanced and saw a smile Gab was trying to hide with his hand. Seeing him look genuinely happy after getting only the slightest reaction from him the past few days, I couldn't help but smile too.

When we emerged from the tunnel, one could smell the sea breeze to our left. It was a beautiful sight, black water on my left and the distant suburban lights on the right. We finally pulled over to a park sandwiched between the highway and the ocean. I heard laughter and when I looked to my right, Gab was giggling.

"What?" I asked irritatedly.

"Nothing." He chuckled as he made his way to the park.

I stayed behind inside the car to check myself in the mirror to see what's wrong. Sure enough my hair was a mess. It wasn't long, just enough length for me to get that typical wavy asian middle part. This time it wasn't wavy though, it was just in complete disarray. I quickly combed it with my fingers and as if we didn't spend the past minutes with the wind in our hair, I got out of the car with a perfect hairdo.

I caught up with him. He was already sitting on a bench overlooking a view of halves, the bright skyline and the dark waters. One could hear the soothing waves hitting the seawall.

"I was hurt once," Gab shared, "we were looking at the citylights as well when I found out he was cheating on me."

I looked over at him and saw the tears building up in his eyes.

"He left his phone right next to me as he went off to get something to drink. Then I saw the text," a solitary tear made its way down his cheek.

"My mind went overboard trying to understand what it meant. For my own peace I read their messages. I found out that it started way before we even dated and she was completely aware of the entire affair." His voice started to quaver but he managed to graciously continue speaking in a dignified manner.

"He was such an asshole and she was no better."

Reinforcements of tears came down from his eyes. I quickly took out my extra handkerchief to offer it to him but he held out his hand to respectfully refuse as he pulled out with his left hand the hanky I gave him. I know it's mine because it had my initials N.E.W. embroidered on it. He dried his face and continued to share.

"He was my first, and I was the sun in his galaxy. We were so happy, but I don't take too kindly to lies. So I instantly ended the relationship. Since then, I've never trusted anyone with my heart again and no one proved me otherwise."

No words could describe the agonizing pain this man felt. It's like this was his only chance, in so long, of succumbing to his hurt.

"I wondered then how could he dare to play with someone? Was it all for fun? It made me feel worthless. I was reduced to nothing but a thing for him to please his appetite," he continued.

"I never thought my heart would heal again. And I honestly don't know if it ever will. How can you trust people when the one who mattered the most could not even be depended on?"

We only sat there in silence looking out to the view for a while. I did nothing, it seemed like he just needed a pair of ears to hear him voice out the pain, to recognize it.

"Do your parents know," I finally asked, "about you?"

"No," he scoffs, "I wouldn't dare to tell them. Who knows what could happen?"

"I wish I had that foresight."

"What happened?"

Before I could answer that, I felt a jolting pain in my knee. I grunted and leaned forward, surrendering to the agonizing torment.

"What's happening?"

"Nothing," I lied yet again, " it's just the arthritis again. Let's just go."

"Which is the closest hospital?" He checked his phone.

"Damn it, no hospitals! Just take me home. I have my medication there." I argued as I tried to stand; I lost my strength.

I quickly handed him his car key. I was physically incapable of walking properly even with Gab's assistance let alone operating a vehicle.

Having connected my phone to his car earlier, I was able to command the car to set the directions to my condo. I then ordered it to call the Godfathers.

"Yes?" replied the serious one.

"Tristan, please park my car in my parking spot. I can't drive today. It happened again." I groaned and moaned as I asked Tristan for a favor.

He knew what was happening and he knew what to do. The Godfathers know about my chronic pain, condition, and fate. It happened before when we were in the gym, I was already diagnosed then so it was expected. Just like this time, the pain came suddenly but not as intense as this one. As they raced me home, I did my best to hide the pain because I don't want anyone to worry or pity me. I don't want the same from Gab. So with all my might I kept the pain in and tried to suppress it with every fiber of my being.

"Hang in there." Gab looked worried. Well who wouldn't be when someone you were talking to just minutes ago is suddenly suffering from a tremendous pain from arthritis. I tried to relax by resting my elbows on the armrests. My nails ended up digging in the fine leather.

He held my hand as he tried his best to comfort me. I appreciated the effort and I deeply regretted squeezing his hand. He grunted reacting to the pain of his knuckled being unusually close together. "Sorry."

"That's alright. I'm here for you," he reassured me, "we're nearly home."

Gab managed to help me into my condo.

"This is fine." I declared as I took out my keys to open my door.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now leave me alone." I slammed the door on his face. I didn't want to be rude, but I thought that was the quickest way to keep him away. 

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