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The months went by fast. We were overwhelmed with the work we had to do to complete the requirements for graduation. We studied for our ever challenging test, we've finished our long thesis, and we've prepared ourselves for graduation. It wasn't long now, next Saturday would be rehearsal and exactly a week after that would be graduation itself. We were nearing the end.

"Can you believe it?" John said excitedly checking himself out in the mirror donning the gown, sash, and hat.

"Believe what?" asked Tristan. He was in his photoshoot now smiling at the camera for his toga picture.

"Sir, please don't move."

"Oh sorry."


Click! The photographer finally snapped a picture after minutes of finding the right angle to complement Tristan. Gab and I looked at the preview in the camera's screen.

"How do I look?"

"Dashing," declared Gab, "as always." Tristan blushed and smiled at the complement.

"Women would come kneeling for you to take them after seeing this picture," I added.

"And men would simply cum." John joked.

"My turn." Gab exclaimed as he bumped Tristan off the stool.

"One, two, three. Smile!"

Gab was handsome as ever. He held a gentle smile, warm and happy.

"I don't think he needs another shot." John commented while examining the preview.

I agreed. He could not have looked more perfect in his proud toga. We were all graduating with latin honors. Gab would graduate as cum laude while Tristan and John would walk out of the hall as magna cum laudes. As for me, a golden medal will be hanging on my neck.

"How long will it be after we can claim our pictures?" I asked the editor.

"It'll be available before your graduation day, sir." she replied.

After gym, we stayed in my condo for a little celebration. There was nothing to do now but wait for the events. We prepared a whole feast for the four of us. We drank, sang, laughed, and made merry.

Today was rehearsal day. We fell in line, Gab was separated from us as the queue for my department was different from his. It was a searingly hot day. I kept wiping off my sweat, John fanned himself with a booklet. Being a few inches taller than John and I were, Tristan towered over everyone else and people could see his electric fan. Everyone envied him but John and I. He was kind enough to share every now and then, oscillating his fan between me, him, and John.

"How long do we have to be roasted in here?" John complained.

"Shouldn't be long now." Tristain replied being tall enough to see what's happening ahead of the line.

Suddenly, I grew faint and fell on Tristan. To my luck, Tristan and John's reflexes were quick and they caught me before I would fall to the ground. For a second all I could hear was their faint calls and my ears ringing. I quickly gained consciousness though and assumed my stance.

"New, are you OK?" Tristan asked.

"Yeah man, you don't look so good. You look pale. Well you always are but not you look even worse." added John

"I'm fine. I think it's just the heat." I brushed myself off.

"And thanks for the boost of confidence, John." I added irritatedly.

"Finally!" John exclaimed when the line started to snail it's way to the building.

We marched in the grand hall and ran through the program.

While standing inside the hall, I felt a familiar palm on my forehead.

"Are you OK?" Gab asked.

"What are you doing here? This isn't your department's line."

"Tristan texted me you fainted."

"I did not faint!" I was being defensive now. "I just felt faint."

Gab looked at me with an annoyed face. "And how is that any different?"

He took my hand and massaged it.

"What the hell are you doing?" I protested.

"This is what you're supposed to do when someone faints."

"Go back to your line." I ordered him, irritated at the unnecessary attention.

"Are you sure? I can take you to the hospital."

"I'm fine. It was just the heat. Now, go!"

"Alright. I love you."

I blushed, "I love you too."

"Newton Edward Wu, Bachelor of Science in Economics, Summa Cum Laude." my chairman called out my name. I crossed the stage to accept the pretend diploma and medal from my dean standing on the other side. I smiled and shook her hand.

"You're almost there, New." she told me, proud of my achievement.

"Thank you, Dean." I smiled back.

I walked down the stage when I suddenly felt nauseous. All of the energy was unexpectedly drained off my body. My vision tunneled, my ears rang, and I ran out of strength to stand. I fell to the floor, my body rolled down the short flight of stairs causing a commotion that caught the attention of everyone in the grand hall.

I couldn't see anymore, my vision failed, I could only hear faintly and feel. I heard Gab running towards me. Tristan and John followed suit. They were calling out my name. The tears and distress were audible from Gab's voice. He shook me, but I could not move to let him know I'm alright. But I also felt pain, excruciating agony in my knee but I was incapable of screaming it.

"New, stay with me. New?! NEW!!!"

Gab was crying over me now. His body curled as he rested his head on my chest trying to listen for a heart beat.

"Please don't leave me yet." He slapped my face in a fruitless effort to bring me back to consciousness. "Baby, please don't go. Please, please, please!"

"Paramedic, make way!" The emergency response team pushed everyone to the side.

They pulled Gab away and I could hear him call out my name again. I heard John and Tristan sob as my body was wheeled away.

The sound of the ambulance's siren kept me from slipping in. I felt someone open my eyes.

"His pupils are dilated and unresponsive," reported the medic.

"Sir? Sir! Can you hear me?" he asked.

I can hear him perfectly well. The problem is that I had no way of letting him know that.

My stretcher rolled into the ER. I could only make out that the medics were reporting my vitals to the nurses and doctor.

Could this be the end? Am I ready to let go? I wasn't so sure. Part of me wanted to fight on to see Gab graduate. To kiss his lips as a reward for all the hard work he put into this year. But I also wanted it to end. I couldn't stand the pain anymore. I've fought enough nights alone in the dark, I think I deserve my rest now. My heart beated slowly now and I drifted off into slumber.

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