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Being all electric, we feared Gab's car wouldn't have enough juice to take us to their beach house and back. We took mine instead, but it being a two-seater as well, Tristan and John had to take Tristan's. We decided to make a grand tour of it. Driving our sports cars along the countryside disturbing the peace with the roar of our mighty V6 engines. We put our roofs down to allow the wind play with our hair. We couldn't care any less. We were having the time of our lives. Tristan and I would take turns overtaking each other as we drove down the winding road. There was always the view of the ocean, but what amazed us was the beauty of the road, the trees, the hills, and the varying terrain to the other side of the road. One moment we're driving at past fields of rice paddies, the next we were at the bottom of a cliffside. Trees of different kinds graced the view of the road. We drove under centuries-old trees, their branches reaching for each other creating a cathedral like canopy.

When we got to the house, Tristan and John were racing to reserve the second best room available. I didn't need to compete, Gab already arranged for the best room for us to sleep in. We intended to stay for a week to let go of all the stress that accumulated in the past four months. I brought our bags to our room and looked out the window. I saw Gab walking to the beach. The sun was almost setting by the time we arrived. I decided to follow him.

"'When the sun sets, it will always rise again and a new day awaits us. I want to be there for you, from dusk till dawn'," I rested my chin on his shoulder and hugged him from behind. He caressed my face acknowledging my presence.

"You remembered my promise."

"Of course I did. It's not everyday I get swept off my feet."

We were enjoying the view of the setting sun. Golden rays of light warmed our vision, the sea turned gold as well. I spun him around for a kiss, my hands held his waist and his on my face. When we stopped for a breath, I rested my forehead on his. At this very moment, I again met the zenith of my happiness. It was simple, but it was perfect. We resumed to marvel at the view ahead of us.

"Behold! The mighty sun in all of his glory!" exclaimed John.

He and Tristan decided to join us. We stood there, arms embracing each other. I had my right arm behind Gab's waist and he has his left behind mine. His right arm over Tristan's shoulder. Tristan's arms stretched over his shoulder to pat my back. John and I mirrored Tristan and Gab's arms so John too could pat Gab's back. Our arms were intertwined as we enjoyed the company of our friendship and the spectacle that lay before us. The skies then turned pink, the clouds looked like cotton candy.

"I wonder if they're delicious." John was looking at the clouds too.

"You idiot!" complained Tristan.

"You ruined a perfectly good moment. UGH!" Tristan retreated to the house in annoyance at what John did. "I'll ask for dinner to be ready." he announced muttering something inaudible on his way back.

"John," I called, "race you back to the house."

"Last one's a chicken!" he yelled as he ran for the door.

I didn't move though, I just wanted some alone time with my boyfriend.

I turned to look at Gab. "Gab?"

"Mmh?" he hummed back and diverted his attention to me.

"Thank you for loving me." His smile was all the receipt I needed.

"I love you." I professed it to him and him alone.

He failed to hide his smile and I don't think he really put much effort to it. "Really?" he clarified.

When The Sun SetsWhere stories live. Discover now