Chapter 5: Little things

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I woke up to a note plastered on my bedroom window, I automatically knew who it was because I really didn't know anyone else around here.

I hated to admit it but something inside of me leaped for joy, I was happy that he wanted to know me just as much as I did him. Sky wasn't like the boys in Claerhaven, he was different, he was so unapologetically himself that it was refreshing. In a town full of people constantly trying to be something they're not, it was impossible not to notice him. He was like a single dandelion in a field of evergreen grass, impossible not to admire.

I took a warm bath and watched the seagulls soar over the ocean, sometimes I wished I were like them; free to do whatever they want with infinite possibilities. Sometimes I feel like my voice is the one that no one hears, like I'm merely existing and not living. I know exactly what my parents want for me and not that they'd ever force me to do anything I don't want to- but I wouldn't want to disappoint them.

After my bath I went downstairs for breakfast; mom had made pancakes and bacon like she usually does aside having prepared oats for Callie.
I placed a kiss atop of my sisters head and she gurgled happily.

"Good morning mom." I smiled taking my plate out to the porch to eat outside.

"Morning dear, you sure sound cheerful today!" Mom grinned happily.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go hang out with my new friend Sky." I told her and she joined me outside.

"The Maddison's boy?" She asked drying her hands with a tea towel,

"Yeah, we're going down to the main beach." I said digging into my food.

"Oh okay, it's really nice that you're making friends my love." She said softly placing a hand on my knee.

"Okay, just don't be weird about it." I said with a slight laugh,

"The Maddison's are good friends of ours from Alaska, they're here for the Summer and hopefully stay longer." Mom tells me.

My mother is gorgeous and there's absolutely no denying it, she'd modeled for Alexis Hawthorn when she was nineteen and was on the covers of many fashion magazines. Her long blonde hair never greyed, she had this eternal youth and joy that radiated off her from a mile away. And when my mother looked at me the way she did now, I knew deep down that she truly loved me.

"Mama!" Callie cried from her place in the kitchen,

I gave her a look that said leave me again for her, I dare you. Her eyes pleaded with me to stay patient with her and understand, but I couldn't, I refused to possibly understand why my own mother constantly chose my little sister over me.

"I'm sorry Allison, your sister needs me right now." Mom sighed apologetically, "we can always talk later."

"Just go, like you always do." I scoffed looking down at my plate and picking at my food, which was beginning to get cold now.

"Allison I didn't mean to-" she began but I cut her short,

"Go." I replied and she did what Kathrine Baker does best, she left.

I spent the rest of the afternoon babysitting Callie while mom went to the market to pick up some groceries, and by 3PM It was evident that my baby sister hated me more than anything else on the planet. She wouldn't eat her yogurt and kept throwing her toys all over the place, she never acted out like this when mom was around.

"Callie please stop!" I pleaded and she just laughed,

"Allie angry!" She laughed tossing her Malibu dream Barbie across the room.

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