8 | torture

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I'm in the room without a light
The room without a view
I'm here for one more treacherous night
Another night with you
It tortures me to move my hands
To try to move at all
And pulled
My skin so tight it screams
And screams and screams
And pulls some more


 A week later, Camila sits in her front porch trying to concentrate on the book in her hands instead of the house across the street. Hailee insisted that she had to borrow a book, so she took this cliche romantic one. That was the only time she went over her friend’s house during the week, to take the book. She’s trying her best to avoid Shawn because she believes that if she does that, she’ll be able to stop thinking about him. Hailee noticed how she’s been avoiding her brother, but didn’t say anything. She doesn’t even know where this came from, one minute she was just fine and then he showed up being all nice and helpful. Why couldn’t he be a jerk? If he was she could at least get over this crush that has been growing on her. But, no, he has to be extremely sweet and nice to her. It also didn’t help that he seemed to read her thoughts like no one else.

 A sound makes her eyes look again at the house across from hers, and that’s when she sees the person she’s been avoiding all this time. Shawn gets out of the house shirtless with a ball on his hands and start to play basketball by himself in the front yard. Camila tries to look away, but her eyes keep making its way to him. He looks up at her with a smile on his face that makes her heart skip a beat, and then waves at her. She’s paralyzed for a second before waving back and can’t help but smile back at him. She tries to focus on the book but he’s making it a very hard task for her, since he keeps looking at her now and then.

When she finally decides to pay attention fully to the pages in front of her, she hears someone clearing their throat close to her. She looks up to find a sweaty Shawn looking at her with a beautiful smile on his lips. Her eyes travel from his abs, to his naked chest, to his lips, then finally to his eyes, and as he catches her staring at his body once again, her cheeks start burning like they always seem to do when he’s around.

 “ Hi.” He says shyly. “ I was wondering if maybe you wanted to play with me.”

 “ Oh.” She says nervously. “ Sure.”

 She curses herself for agreeing to it, she was supposed to be avoiding him. Standing up from the stairs, she places the book on a bench and follows him. Neither of them say a word, and the tension seems to only get thicker once they reach his front yard. Camila looks at the door wondering if Hailee is there and when she looks back at Shawn, she catches him looking at her legs. He immediately looks away, letting her very aware of the fact she has only booty shorts and a t-shirt on. She feels like her whole body is on fire and suddenly is hard to breath knowing he was looking at her like that. She never felt like this before, no other boy had ever affected her by just a look. But then again no other boy had looked at her like that besides Lauren’s ex, which made her completely uncomfortable at the time, while when Shawn looks at her like that she feels like there’s electricity running up and down her body.

 Shawn throws the ball in the hoop perfectly, and when he catches it back, he hands it to her. She knows exactly how to do this, she’s quite good actually, but as he stares at her, she completely misses the hoop. He takes the ball and places on her hands again, then walks behind her placing a hand on her waist. She gasps in surprise and tries to breathe properly, but his hot breath against her neck makes it impossible. He guides his hands on top of hers and help her throw the ball, which lands perfectly where it should. She knows she should feel offended because she can totally do that by herself, but she can’t deny that she would miss the ball numerous times on purpose for him to help her again. He’s still behind her and with his hands holding her arms, none of them dares to make a move, when they hear someone talking from the front door of the house.

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