Chapter 8

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"Do you still remember the day you saved me from that bully in kindergarten", said David in a low husky voice.

Scarlet let out a hearty laugh. "Yes I do. I remember how scared you looked. Gosh! You were so skinny and tall and dorky."

David smiled. "And you were soo tiny. I still can't believe that you had the balls to do that."

"What can I say? I'm fearless", said Scarlet as she flicked some hair from her forhead. "Time surely does fly. Who would have ever thought that dorky David would grow up to become this badass." She continued whilst laughing. She was hoping that the laughter would conceal the fact that she was a total nerve wreck right now.

"You're so beautiful." Said David catching Scarlet completely off guard. "I have always been in love with you ever since the first day I saw you in kindergarten. I had always wanted to tell you but I couldn't. Well, because I was just dorky David and you were the amazing Scarlet. I have never felt this way about anyone before in my entire life. I thought that I would finally forget you when I became successful and all but I never got over you. All this time I have been trying to suppress my feelings towards you but I can no longer do it."

Scarlet blinked a couple of times. "I don't know whay to say", she said. Her voice coming out more as a whisper. A million thoughts were racing through her head. This is what she wanted right?

David reached out to her and put his hand on her cheek, gently caressing her. He moved closer and looked at her. "I love you", he said.
He cupped her face in his hands bringing her face closer to his. They looked at each other for a moment before he crashed his lips onto hers. His tongue gently slid into her mouth and hers following his. His kisses became more urgent as his expert tongue moved inside the corners of her mouth.

All those years of waiting and patience had finally paid off for David. He was now deep inside the girl of his dreams and nothing had ever felt so good before. Their bodies intertwined, lustfully feeding off each other with every moan, touch and kiss.

Scarlet listened to David's racing heartbeat as she lay on top of his chest. Her hair was all over the place and her face had the after glow of sex. She unconsciously began to draw circles on his bare chest as she summed up the courage to tell David what was truly in her heart.

"I love you too",she whispered. It was barely audible but enough to make David blush in his sleepy state.


Larry's dreams brought him back to the front yard of a little traditional Catholic Church. He was on his knees holding a little girl. His shirt and face were splattered in blood as he stared in disbelief at the girl's lifeless body. Her name was Roselin and she was just nine years old. The world seemed to have paused and played in slow motion. Throughout his years as a police officer, he had never seen such a gruesome and merciless murder scene. He held on to the girl and tears trickled from his eyes. He almost saved her, almost. If he had ran a little faster then maybe she would have survived.

The whole police department had been tracking down a serial killer who went by the name Malvado for six months. This man didn't have a soul and when they finally caught him, he laughed in the face of the victim families showing no remorse at all. He was a mad man although his psychological tests had proven that he was capable of reasoning and that be had no mental illness.

His offenses included drowning a sixty year old man, mutilating a couple of teenage girls and keeping their body parts in his freezer, axing some men and his last killing spree at a church. He never took anything or sexually assulted his victims. His main goal was to kill. When asked why he did it he simply replied, 'wanted to break the killing world record', and laughed.

Larry had never been the same after this case. He constantly had nightmares and unexpected visions of that day. Sometimes he would even see Roselin in broad daylight. This was the reason why he and Jane had decided to go to Mauritius. They both hoped that it would help Larry relax a little bit.

In his subconscious state, Larry felt something heavy lying on top of him. He felt cold and long hands clapsed tightly on his throat bringing him back to reality. He stuggled to move or open his eyes as if something powerful was holding him back. When he was finally able to open his eyes, he was greeted by a familiar devilish face. It was the pale girl from his previous nightmares only that today she was covered with more blood stains all over her face and dress.

She had a determined look on her face as she held on tightly to Larry's neck. At first Larry thought that he was dreaming like before but his shortness of breath told him otherwise. Larry moaned loudly as he wrestled with the mysterious being. He began kicking in an attempt to get the girl off him.

Jane was awakened by the noises coming out of Larry's throat.

"What is...." Jane stopped mid sentence when she saw the sight in front of her.

A skinny pale girl with extremely long hair covered in blood was choking her husband and actually succeeding at it.

The girl suddenly stopped choking Larry when she realised that a terrified Jane was staring at her. She took one glance at Jane and vanished out of thin air.

Larry choked and gasped for air as he fell from the bed and landed beside it with all fours on the ground. After he had regained composure he went back to the bed to Jane who had not recovered yet. She was still shaking and paralysed with fear.

"What was that?" She asked with a very shaky voice.

Larry shook his head. "I don't know", he replied, obviously traumatised.

Jane jumped out of bed and frantically began to put her clothes on.

"I have to get out of here. I can't sleep in here. First Scarlet and now this. What is going on here? Is this a joke? Are we on a prank show or something? Are they cameras in this room? I'm going to find Martha right now. I need an explanation." Jane mumbled to herself.

"I'm right behind you." Said Larry as tied his shoes up.

Jane walked to the door and forcefully opened it but it did not budge. She tried again but it still didn't budge.

"Shit, shit, no!" Larry, it won't open. Its not doing anything," said a frantic Jane as she tried to open the door multiple times.

"Wait let me try to do it." Said Larry as he stepped in front of Jane and tried opening the door. He began punching it with his arms in an attempt to get it to open. "Fuck! What kind of sick joke is this?"

"It's not a joke." Said a third female voice.

They both slowly turned around to find the same horrifying girl sitting on top of the bed. She was cross-legged with her hands on top of her thighs.

Jane let out an ear shattering scream as the girl began to walk towards them.

"Open the damn door Larry!" She shouted.

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