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This story is from Reddit user
["Growing up I'd always remember things that other people didn't remember happening. I called them 'Blips.
For example, i would get in a fight with my mom, and then when i leave the room and come back later she wouldn't remember a fight happening. It would always be small things like that, nothing that is life-changing.
One day i remember the doorbell ringing. When my mom answered it, there were two men in formal Army uniforms, and they told my mom that my dad has died in Iraq. She told my brother and i about his passing. I remember just laying in my bed crying all day. Next thing i know i am being woken up by my mom who is telling me to get dressed because Dad is coming back from Iraq.
I thought she meant his body.
But when we were waiting in the airport, i saw my dad walking to us, still alive, and nobody remembers anything about my dad dying but me. I haven't had a single 'Blip in 15 years.
I have no clue how or why my 'Blips happened, and to this day, I can't explain or tell this to anyone without them thinking that i am crazy. My dad is still alive, and everyone who knew him doesn't remember this happening. I even talked to my dad's old Army buddies, but they don't know what I'm talking about either.
If anyone has any theories, please let me know, i am open to anything."]
A/N: Oh my, that story indeed is really scary. Imagine a dear family member dying, and everybody knowing about it, but waking up to that dear family member being perfectly alive and healthy.
I have a theory: In that universe, your father has died in Iraq, and you were completely devastated. Devastated so much that you have cried so hard all night that you fell asleep then traveled to another universe where he was alive because you missed him so much that you couldn't accept his death just yet.
That is really powerful. Im happy your father is alive and well in this universe and I'm so sorry for your loss in the other universe!
Though that is just my theory.
Guys! Comment and let me hear your theories!
What has happened?
To all readers, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!
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