❤️Shinsou x Class 1-A! SMR❤️ pt 1/2

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YA BOI IS BACK AND READY TO WRITE! No more nasty children bothering me. Also, about my Bakugo one shot set, the one from 1k, IM TURNING IT INTO A STORY! I'm thinking of calling it 'The One With Wings' but if you have any suggestions, lemme know!
(Short and fluffy)
(I lied it's 1000+ words)
Shinsou's POV
'Hm. Those bastards from 1-A always have their heads 3 feet up their asses. It's stupid. They think they're better than the rest of us because of their class placement. Mainly that Bakugo kid. He gets on my nerves. I can only REALLY stand 2 people in that class. Well one I tolerate, the other is pretty nice, and that's (Y/N) (L/N). He is legit an angel, 85% of the time. The other 15% if the time he is screaming and blasting people with light. Fun.
I mean he's still awesome. He takes into consideration that people in lower classes actually do shit worth documenting. Not just sit and gawk over the top class.
He transferred to UA, 2 weeks before the sports festival, from (country name). Nezu let him participate, which was an amazing decision. He ranked 4th in the race, 3rd in the Calvary, and he got 2nd in the 1v1 duel. If I'm being honest, he let Bakubitch win.'
I'm cut off from my thoughts as I run head first into something or someone, and fall on my ass.
'Way to go me. Making a fool of yourself.'
I look up after hearing a small chuckle, locking eyes with a smirking (Y/N).
"Caught up in your thoughts, eh? Sounds like you."
I scoff lightly, a soft pink hue brushing over my checks.
"Oh shuttup you fucking lame excuse for a flashlight."
(QUICK INTERRUPTION! Your quirk is what you call 'Light God'. You can bend light at your will and use it to attack others, or warp yourself to other illuminated areas.)
"Ouch. Low blow." He says while chucking once again.
'Goddamn, that laugh. Making me feel all mushy and shit. Ugh, and his fucking smile... WAIT A FUCKING SECOND-''
This is when I realize how much I've been thinking about (Y/N). If you haven't noticed, it sounds like I'm obsessed with him. IM NOT! I just look up to him. That's all. I think..
I look up at (Y/N), taking the hand he had outstretched to help me up. Once he pulls me up, I'm facing his chest. He's really fucking tall, holy shit. I stand at 5'9 (just about), so he has to be about 6'6 for me to be only at his chest. For the 3rd time today, I look up and lock eyes with the tall, (haircolor)ette. His eyes are full of humor and passion. Them being an almost luminous (eye color). He gives me a soft, closed eye smile. At that I can feel my entire body warm up, my face being the hottest. My hands begin to tremble. I have no idea what I'm feeling right now, but I don't like it. At all. It makes me feel weak... but I want to let my guard down around (Y/N). I want to be happy and smile around him, but I don't. I repress it like I always do and I don't want too. I can tell my face is a bright scarlet now. I feel like running off, away from (Y/N). Tears lightly prick the corners of my eyes, and I think (Y/N) could tell, as he pulls me into his arms, mine resting my my side. As soon as my face hits his chest, I break down.
I feel him bend down slightly and guide my arms around his neck. He then places an arm under my butt, pulling me up into a koala like pose. My head is now resting in the crook of this neck. He starts walking, I don't know where, but he's walking somewhere. I really don't care enough to question it, I'm too busy crying and trying not to fall asleep. His arms are really comfortable...

(Completely unnecessary pov change)

I'm standing in front of my dorm. I don't think Shinsou has noticed, but he will sooner or later. Thankfully people in my class know not to question me. Most learned the hard way. I open the door and walk inside, closing and quietly locking the door behind me. Now walking over to my bed, I feel Shinsou stirring slightly. He's had his face pressed into my neck for awhile now. I mean, I'm not complaining. I'm pretty sure he'd fallen asleep while I was carrying him, as I can feel him yawn into my shoulder.
"W-where are *yawn* where are we?'
"Hm. In my dorm Shins-"
"Call me Hitoshi."
I chuckle softly.
"Alrighty then. We're in my dorm, Hitoshi."
He simply nods into my shoulder, probably still tired. I mean, I'm pretty warn out from hero training with All Might. I glance over at my clock.
Damn. We talked for a while. I shrug, to the best of my abilities. I then walk over to my bed, gently placing the half asleep lavenderette on top of it. As I do so, he makes a noise similar to a whine. I smirk and shake my head, walking over to my closet and heading inside. (Where you belong.) I change out of my uniform into a tank top and gray sweats. Grabbing a shirt for Hitoshi, I walk out. He is sitting on my bed, his eyes half lidded. I toss the shirt over at him. He nods, and I turn to face the wall. He hums, which I assume means he changed. He had. He's sitting on the bed, only in his boxers and my shirt, which came to about his mid thigh and hung off his shoulders. My face heats up. A light pink hue adorning my face. I walk over to the bed and sit next to Hitoshi, facing him. He lets his body collapse onto mine, his face back on my shoulder. I smirk and wrap an arm around his waist, laying down and pulling him ontop of me. As if on cue, he wraps his arms around my muscular frame, pulling himself closer to me. I pull the comforter up and over top of us, then reaching up to lightly play with the mop of lavender hair on my shoulder. I feel Hitoshi's body slowly relax, him falling asleep. Me following soon after.

W O A H ! Look I updated! And it's not a Authors Note this time! I also wish to thank you guys for 10k reads! Like the fuck? I'm not sure when pt2 will be up, but expect it this week. Bye lovelies!

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