❤️Todoroki Shoto X Vigilante! SMR❤️

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wEeWoO- Look I'm updating. Also, this is a pt. 2 to the vigilante chapter. I've noticed that one specific chapter got some love, and I got this requested, now I'm waY to lazy to go track down the person who requested this, but HERE YA GO BUD!
Pt 3 may or may not be a smut 😗✌️
?new writing format?

Shoto Todoroki's POV
'Duskrider' and I had been keeping in touch with one another quite a lot these past few weeks. Messaging each other, a few late phone calls. He was there for me more than my dad and classmates combined. He treated me like I wasn't someone just bred to take over All Mights position.
While talking to him, I've realized how much I personally relate to his personal philosophy.
"I am neither good nor bad, a hero nor a villain. Just a person who chooses to do what they think is the right thing whenever they feel as though it is needed. I simply do things hero's choose to ignore, or take forever to do. Never throw me into one group. I am my own hero, and my own villain. I choose what I think is right for the world. Not the government."
He has changed my view on society as a whole. Hero's are egoistical bastards who only care about a flashy quirk and the money, while villains oppose that by any means necessary. He, and the entire vigilante community, lives as though neither of those roles exist, and I love it.
Wouldn't it just make my father so goddamn happy to realize that his 'promise child' would end up agreeing with someone he deems a villain, a law abiding citizen, even a criminal. All of this brings me to where I am currently standing. Right outside his door.
With an arrangement of knocks in a very specific order, he opens the door. Before me stands a shirtless 6'1 man, with messy (h/c) (h/l) hair. (Y/N) runs a hand though his hair, yawing softly.
"Hm.. what can I do for you Shoto?"
"I'd like to join you."
He chokes on his spit, eyes wide and now very much paying attention.
"You-You want to be a vigilante-? But your dad-"
"Oh fuck him."
"Fair enough. Come inside." 
He moves aside and pulls the door open wider, allowing me entry to the home. After taking a quick look around, one can tell he lives a humble lifestyle. Most furniture is minimalist, almost no trash anywhere, only a small cup placed on the table in the living room.
(Y/N) beckons for me to join him on his couch. I hadn't even noticed he'd sat down, but I join him nonetheless. He offers me a beverage, which I decline.
"What changed your views? You were so set on the hero bullshit like 2 days ago."
"You did. That little speech you gave me hit home, so I thought over it for hours on end."
He smirks, picking up his coffee, taking a quick sip and setting it down.
"Ah. Well I'm honored that I've changed such a celebrity's views on the world."
I shoot the man a glare. He had annunciated the word celebrity's just to get on my nerves. It worked.
"I'm not a fucking celebrity."
"Hmm, but you are. The 'great #2 hero's son' sounds like a celebrity's title to me~"
You can hear the teasing tone to his voice, you can see the mischief in his eyes. A tick mark grows visible on my forehead, my irritation clear as day.
"Whatcha gonna do about it, candy cane~?"
At this point I'm practically shaking in rage.
I scream about as loud as my tired body will let me, tears threatening to spill.
The mind reader flinches at my shout, muttering a quick 'ah fuck' and quickly moves to sit beside me. He places a gentle yet hesitant hand on my face, pulling me to look him in the eyes.
The mischief from earlier was now masked by guilt and sadness. I push my face closer to his hand, quite enjoying the warmth his body gave off. He readjusts his hand, stroking the skin under my eye softly. As a few tears roll down my face, he begins to whisper.
"Shhh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I forgot how much of a sensitive subject the dumpster fire was."
I let out a weak chuckle, not exactly trusting myself to speak.
"Hey, you'd be more then welcome to stay here from now on. Away from the dumpster fire you call a dad."
My eyes widen in shock, looking up to briefly make eye contact. (Y/N) just nods, pulling me into a loving embrace, which causes me to melt. He's hands have moved from my face to my back, drawing circles with his fingers to calm me down.
"Now I don't have a spare room, but I have a couch, and I'm okay with sharing my room. I believe I do have a futon somewhe-"
"That's not necessary."
"May I ask why?"
I pause, my breath hitching. I don't know why I said that out loud.
"I-if it's alright... I-I'd like to sleep with you.."
(Y/N) visibly tenses. I have no clue which way he took that statement.
"That can be arranged."
That doesn't help me. I wanted to know that way he took it. I know how I meant it though. In a swift movement, my head is now in the crook of (Y/N)'s neck, my arms draped around his waist. We stay like this for around 10 minutes before one of us moves. The one to make said move, was (Y/N). It wasn't too drastic, just him moving his hands down my back. Pretty far down actually, practically resting right above my ass.
This is the most physical contact I've had in years, and I love it. My body has been craving it for years and I couldn't do anything about it.
I smile to myself, feeling a wave of euphoria and tiredness hit me all at once. Letting myself dose off.
'I'm going to love it here.'
That's it. That's the story. Bye lovelies 👋

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